- Territoires de diplomatie. Le monde anglo-américain et ses relations extérieures / Territories of Diplomacy: The Anglo-American World and International Relations, eds. Lucien Bély, Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, Nathalie Rivère de Carles, XVII-XVIII, Revue de la Société d’études anglo-américaines des XVII° et XVIII° siècles, 79, 2022 / 79 | 2022 Territoires de diplomatie (openedition.org) Contributeurs: Gilles Havard, Pierre-François Peirano, Frédéric Herrmann, Alice Monter, Ludmila Ivonina, Xavier Cervantès, Berta Cano Echevarria, Mathilde Alazraki, Juliette Misset.
- War and Truce in Early Modern Culture: Negotiating Appeasement and Entente in Early Modern Literary Studies, eds. Agnès Lafont & Nathalie Rivere de Carles, Early Modern Literary Studies, N°30, 2022 : No. 30 (2022): Special Issue 30: War And Truce In Early Modern European Culture: Negotiating Appeasement And Entente | Early Modern Literary Studies (shu.ac.uk) Contributors: Timothy Hampton, Sujata Iyengar, Lindsay Ann Reid, Luis González Fernández, Marie-Céline Daniel, Jeanne Mathieu, Cécile Decaix, Agnès Lafont, Nathalie Rivère de Carles
- Legatio, The Journal for Renaissance and Early Modern Diplomatic Studies, Issue 4, 2020, eds. Roberta Anderson, Jeanne Mathieu, Nathalie Rivere de Carles. Contributors: Emmanuel Lemée, Chloé Rivière, Amélie Balayre, Beatrice Saletti, Chrisoph Würflinger, Mahmut Halef-Cevrioglu, Francesco Caprioli, Maelig Chauvin, Francisco Mavilla, Pierre-Olivier Ouellet. http://www.legatio-ihpan.edu.pl/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=15:legatio-vol-4-2020&catid=8&lang=en&Itemid=108 Legatio Gestures of Diplomacy Issue 4 (2020)
- Ideologies of Diplomacy: Rhetoric, Ritual, and Representation in Early Modern England, The Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Studies Vol 50 Issue 3, 2020, ed. Jane Yeang Chui Wong. Contributors: Jane Yeang Chui Wong, Hannah Coates, R. Malcolm Smuts, Janson Powell, Jan Hennings, Edward Holberton, Danila Sokolov, Nathalie Rivere de Carles, Jeff Smith-Cronin, John Watkins. https://read.dukeupress.edu/jmems/issue/50/3
- Early Modern Diplomacy, Theatre and Soft Power: The Making of Peace, ed. Nathalie Rivère de Carles , Series: Early Modern Literature in History (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016)
This book explores the secret relations between theatre and diplomacy from the Tudors to the Treaty of Westphalia. It offers an original insight into the art of diplomacy in the 1580-1655 period through the prism of literature, theatre and material history. Contributors investigate English, Italian and German plays of Renaissance theoretical texts on diplomacy, lifting the veil on the intimate relations between ambassadors and the artistic world and on theatre as an unexpected instrument of ‘soft power’. The volume provides an international cross-cultural focus on the negotiation of European political and confessional conflicts and the official and non-official strategies of appeasement. The strong international array of up-and-coming and established scholars in literature and diplomatic history investigates early modern diplomatic forms of preservation of a European entente in the wake of the emergence of the nation-state.
Contributors: Timothy Hampton, Jane O. Newman, Dominique Goy-Blanquet, Valeria Cimmieri, Nathalie Rivere de Carles, Patricia Akhimie, Roberta Anderson, Diego Pirillo and Ladan Niayesh
- Formes de la diplomatie (XVIe-XXIe s.) Forms of Diplomacy (16th-2&st c.), eds. Nathalie Duclos & Nathalie Rivère de Carles, Caliban 54 (Presses Universitaires du Midi, 2015)
Ce volume bilingue se penche sur l’évolution des formes théoriques et pratiques de la diplomatie politique, économique et culturelle depuis la première modernité. Il met la diplomatie classique en perspective en analysant les formes marginales, alternatives et innovantes de la diplomatie d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. L’utilisation et la théorisation de la diplomatie culturelle (soft power) et de la diplomatie commerciale font l’objet d’une étude critique de la part de chercheurs en histoire, en littérature et en linguistique. Les chapitres, en anglais et en français, de ce volume replacent la diplomatie gouvernementale dans le contexte de l’action diplomatique d’acteurs non gouvernementaux. Par ailleurs, le volume s’attache à étudier l’influence et l’action de figures diplomatiques officielles et non officielles, réelles et fictionnelles, de façon à approfondir notre connaissance de la rhétorique et de la sémiotique accompagnant les pratiques diplomatiques.
This bilingual volume analyses the changing theoretical and practical forms of political, economic and cultural diplomacy from the early modern era to the questioning of the Westphalian system in the 20th and the 21st centuries. It contrasts mainstream diplomacy and marginal or alternative forms of diplomacy. The use and the theorization of cultural diplomacy (soft power) and of commercial diplomacy are questioned by leading experts in history, literature and linguistics. Essays in English and in French pit the hard power of government-to-government diplomacy against other levels of diplomatic undertakings involving nongovernmental stakeholders. In addition, this volume studies official and nonofficial diplomatic figures, real and fictional ambassadors, which allows us to consider the linguistic and stylistic features of the diplomatic rhetoric and practice. The essays also explore the role of art, literature and culture as diplomatic instruments and the artist as diplomat as new analytical tools in the study of diplomacy.
Contributeurs / Contributors: Lucien Bély, Camille Desenclos, Marie-Céline Daniel, Lauric Henneton, Muriel Marchal, Raphaël Ricaud, Mona Parra, Richard Davis, Aymen Boughanmi, Alice Byrne, Myriam Chasseriau, Mollie Betti, Stéphane Miglierina, Henri Le Prieult, Marie-Odile Salati, Deep Datta-Ray.
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