
This workshop brings together French and foreign multidisciplinary scientific teams – linguists, experts in language acquisition, in didactics, translators, physiotherapists, neurophysiologists and neurologists about language and spatial cognition relation. The goal is to establish a state of art about how research on motion has been carried out up to now, namely in different languages presenting a variable degree of similarity and/or difference in coding motion but especially by different populations (native speakers with or without language or motor disorders, non-native speakers in second or third languages, henceforth L2 or L3 respectively). Motion is particularly favourable to the study of the relation between language and cognition, since world languages greatly vary in the semantic encoding of its components. As such, in collaboration with experts and professionals, this workshop aims at creating new synergies about cognitive processes involved during the realisation and the expression of motion events by different types of populations. Afterwards, il will be pertinent to discuss the teachability of this domain in language and translation classrooms as well as to consider motion body practices during rehabilitation sessions with language or motor disorder patients.

Le workshop MOCO traite de la représentation linguistique et cognitive du mouvement. Il rassemble jeunes chercheurs et chercheurs plus expérimentés issus de différentes disciplines et s’intéressant au mouvement. Il sera question de faire un premier état des lieux des recherches sur cette thématique et d’identifier des questions à développer selon une perspective pluridisciplinaire. MOCO servira de prélude à la mise en place d’un réseau international et d’un projet pluridisciplinaire sur la cognition spatiale humaine plus ambitieux.