Tag Archives: gestion des déchets


Chronological signification
of LBK waste assemblages:

the Contribution of Anthracological, Typological and Stratigraphic Data
from Three LBK Sites in the Hesbaye (Liège Province, Belgium)


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Considerations on the chronological signification of Linearbandkeramik (LBK) waste assemblages are presented in this study based on data from anthracology, ceramic seriation and vertical distribution of pottery in pits. Interesting evidence concerning the occupation chronology is provided and a more complex vision of LBK refuse disposal is proposed than that generally accepted. In particular, it is argued that pits, as they appear today to archaeologists, represent no more than a few years of use. It is likely that refuse was first dumped in surface middens, and gradually displaced afterwards to the pits we excavate today.

To cite this article

Bosquet D., Salavert A., Golitko M., 2010 – Chronological Signification of LBK Waste Assemblages: the Contribution of Athracological, Typological and Stratigraphic Data from Three LBK Sites in the Hesbaye (Liège Province, Belgium), in Théry-Parisot I., Chabal L., Costamagno S., The taphonomy of Burned Organic Residues and Combustion Features in Archaeological Contexts, Proceedings of the round table, May 27-29 2008, CEPAM, P@lethnology, 2, 39-57.