
Context and expected Ronjat conference:

In1913, a century ago, in full context nationalistic Europe, the French linguist Louis Ronjat (1864-1925) publishes two major texts: Test syntax modern Provencal dialects (Protat brothers, Macon) and the development of language observed in a bilingual child (Champion, Paris).

The first book (Test syntax modern Provencal dialects) poses for the first time in a scientific manner the state of the Occitan language (named “provençal”) and provides a description of geographic and linguistic updated. The Occitan language, within its scope of modern language and social, is then minimized, ignored or denied by the government and French scientists. The syntactic dimension that develops Ronjat can ask the language in its specific identity. This is not a “patois” belonging to the “vast tapestry” of dialects of North and South geolinguistics the same space, “patois” since according to Gaston Paris, Occitan “has no specific syntax” .

In this same work and for the first time, the term is also called mutual understanding: it describes the ability of a speaker to include variants of the same language and to go into production with other speakers of different variants. Intercomprehension allows speakers with no social or cultural consciousness of a common language to enter a pragmatic exchange. She also founded the consciousness of the language defined by the sum of its dialects, and set the limits as crossing points from one language to the same system (in French, Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal). It helps to establish a sense of common language, and develops skills open to multilingualism.

The second thesis Ronjat (Language development observed in a bilingual child) is probably the first book – and one of the few in the world that quality – to address the development of a bilingual child. This is Louis, born in 1908, in which the father, Jules Ronjat, speaks only French, his mother, Ilse, talks to him German. Week after week, Ronjat notes the evolution and progress of language and behavioral son. This task also to answer two questions that mark scientific prejudices of the time, bilingualism is a source of confusion between two languages ​​(interlanguage, diglossia) bilingualism requires a double effort intellectual child for a similar result. Disability for the individual bilingualism is also a “social plague” (Epstein, 1915).

Unique book, Language development observed in a bilingual child poses some key concepts of the entry into language and the polyglossie: early learning, language parity references; storage linguistic dual relationship signified-signifier; social inferences and emotional and importance of the representation of language in learning, etc … In 1913, when bilingualism is considered a harmful phenomenon, a “moral evil” for the individual and the nation, this thesis is surprisingly bold quiet. Ronjat measure scientifically the benefits of bilingualism for the individual, and probably in the background for political space led unfortunately to enter the conflict is known.

1913. Two world wars and nationalist have passed since then. Fact: the work of Ronjat were plunged into oblivion, they offer régulerdans the individual and society the opportunity and responsibility of the circulation and control of a plurality of languages.

Also: what is the relevance of these works today?

2013. A century after its publication, the work of Ronjat may be reconsidered in the light of a new reality sociolinguistics: multilingualism is now present in all spaces encountered in the classroom to neighborhood, city to Europe, the plurilingual dimension of the individual is no longer considered an incongruity but benefit cognitive, behavioral, human. Ronjat work, sometimes cited but little if summoned today drew the lines of a renewed representation of language contact and their didactisation, both from an individual (bilingualism) in a given space (syntax) including the definition of the syntax for the language, and the invention of the concept and of mutual pragmatic – as Saussure, which is Ronjat reviewer, appoint force intercourse in the Course in General Linguistics (1916).

In addition to the specific aspects of theses Ronjat (Occitan syntax; presence of two languages ​​in a single geopolitical space; mutual understanding within a language and between languages ​​of the same family; early bilingualism joint), the conference aims to address the terms institutional issues of teaching and learning bi / multilingual. An analysis of language policies in France and Europe, shows that the response to the reality of a multilingual world and potentially multilingual individuals is fairly common strategy of learning a “big” language, but very rarely taken into account historical languages ​​or territory (as in France-French bilingualism regional language), or integration didactisée languages ​​in a language learning or discipline (bilingualism, DNL, ​​intercomprehension …).

Probably the answer is unanimously monolangagière it due to a representation of languages ​​has not evolved since the nationalist era (language: a nation language: an individual), founder of the “School for All” . Work in the institution is required as the representation of language (a language does not exist without its variations) that take into account the diversity of languages ​​(language contact must be didactisé, otherwise it will conflict).

The conference Ronjat-2013 is also an opportunity to bring to the attention of the wider public both reprinted and annotated texts: Test syntax modern Provencal dialects [1] and the development of language in a bilingual child observed [2] . The accepted papers, but also communications that could not be presented at the conference and would be evaluated favorably by the Committee, will be published according to standards provided to authors when their proposal will be accepted.

The Steering Committee is responsible for assessing that will be selected during the two-day symposium Ronjat 2013 around different issues backed by four research themes:

1 = axis context of linguistics, sociolinguistics, language representations in the time of Julius Ronjat; relations maintained between Ronjat and French language and Francophone Ronjat personality and his work, and the relationship between Ronjat the félibrige; ideology and linguistic dialects, bilingualism, polyglossie at the time of Ronjat until today. (Axis epistemological and sociolinguistics).
2 = axis around the test syntax modern Provencal dialects: modernity and specificity of linguistic Ronjat presentation, in which the first language is the syntax? , Instead of the version in the language, the definition of dialect and language, the concept of mutual; pragmatics of mutual understanding, within a language, within a family of languages . (Axis syntax Occitan language, and language variety, understanding).
3 = axis around language development observed in a bilingual child: the concepts of gender and precocity; bilingualism, diglossia and interlanguage, the concept of storage linguistic comprehension activities and production tightness of languages ​​and symmetry of their learning, the importance of social and emotional factors in language learning, the dual relationship signified / signifier childhood bilingual cognitive benefits, metalinguistic, behavioral of early bilingualism. (Axis bilingualism, precocity and gender, language skills, behavior).
axis 4 = early bilingualism in French-language regional Education; academic policies, inter-regional, national, European for language learning; plural terms (change in language, awakening to languages, mutual understanding and skills plurilangagières; issues of language policy open and regulated. (Axis institutional language policy, educational plural).

