Géographie et littérature de jeunesse

CAVAILLE Fabienne, 2016, « Que peut la fiction pour la géographie ? Le rôle de la littérature de jeunesse dans les apprentissages », Annales de géographie, n° 709-710, p. 246-271.

« What can fiction do for geography ? The contributions of children’s literature in learning ? »
Abstract : Fictional children’s literature provides knowledge and modes of understanding that allow teaching/learning of a subjective geographical approach to the real. This programme- article explores the fictional narrative characters and in particular the specificities of fictional children’s literature (novels and picture books). Fictional narratives, as experiment in thought, offer readers possible worlds and worlds crossed between imagination and reality. The wide scope of children’s literature gives the opportunity to discover a rich spatiality and geographicity. Three children’s novels from L. Sepúlveda are analysed as an example ; they are pertinent as “realistic fiction” and as having a perspective of “marvellous realism”.
Keywords : fiction, children’s literature, possible worlds, reading, learning geography, spatiality, geographicity, real, (marvellous) realism, L. Sepúlveda.


CAVAILLE Fabienne, 2016, « (Ap)prendre la géographie par les sentiments : l’apprentissage d’une géographie sensible à partir des émotions littéraires », Carnets de géographes, n° 9, septembre 2016, 22 p.

Introduction  –  Geographical feelings, literature and learning – A epistemo-didactic frame –  The feelings in the experiences of reading  – The work on the geographical feelings in situation of learning  –  Conclusion


CAVAILLE Fabienne, 2017, « De l’arbre au paysage d’arbres. Une proposition de sensibilisation des enfants à partir d’albums de jeunesse », Projets de paysage, 30 juin 2017.

« From the Tree to the Wooded Landscape.
Proposed Awareness Building for Children Using Albums »
Abstract : This article presents a project for building the awareness among children for tree landscapes based on children’s books. A reading programme including three realistic fiction albums is considered. The first album immerses the young readers (aged 6 to 10 approximately) in the world of trees, a reassuring living environment. In the second book, the tree represents an invitation to climb upwards thus making tree landscapes objects of aesthetic and scientific interest. In the third album, the readers discover a landscape in which trees have different functions interrelated with important socio-economic systems and social problems. In the reading programme, tree landscapes appear through the meanings and actions of individuals. The main contemporary points of entry into the landscape (ecological, sensitive, aesthetic and socio-political) can thus be introduced to children.