- Furno A., Jouve B., Revelli B., Rochet P. (2024) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on bike-sharing uses in two french towns. Transportation (accepted for publication)
- Ellison D., Jouve B., Stone L. (2024) Switching checkerboards in (0,1)-matrices. Linear Algebra and its Applications 680: 274–292
- Djellabi M. and Jouve B. () Clustering of temporal nodes profiles in dynamic networks of contacts. arXiv preprint
- Demange M., Ellison D., Jouve B. (2021) Orienteering problem with time-windows and updating delay. Theoretical Computer Science 863: 1-18
- Djellabi M., Jouve B. and Amblard F. (2020) Dense and sparse vertex connectivity in networks. Journal of Complex Networks 8(3)
- Fieux E, Jouve B (2020) A hierarchy of dismantlings in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 343: 111914 (online) [paper]
- Boulet R, Fieux E, Jouve B (2019) Corrigendum to “Simplicial simple-homotopy of flag complexes in terms of graphs”. In press. Available online 23 May 2019, Article 102974.
- Coupechoux P, Demange M, Ellison D, Jouve B (2019) Firefighting on trees. Theoretical Computer Science (Special Issue on Theory and Applications of Graph Searching) 794: 69-84. [paper]
- Coupechou P., Demange M., Ellison D., Jouve B. (2018) Online Firefighting on Trees, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10856 (Springer-Verlag) : 121-132.
- Djellabi M., Jouve B. and Amblard F. (2017) Behind the communities, a focus on the sparse part of a network. C. Cherifi, H. Cherifi, M. Karsai, M. Musolesi (Eds.), Springer, Studies in Computational Intelligence 689: 216-228.
- Lumbreras A, , Jouve B, Velcin J, Guegan M (2017) Role detection based on thread growth models. Social Network Analysis and Mining 7 (1): 49. [paper]
- Lumbreras A, Velcin J, Guegan M, Jouve B (2017) Non-parametric clustering over user features and latent behavioral functions with dual-view mixture models. Computational Statistics 32(1): 145-177 [paper]
- Boudabbous Y, Ille P, Jouve B, Salhi A (2015) Critically twin primitive 2-structures. Graphs and Combinatorics 31(5): 1223-1247 [paper]
- Le Couédic M., Leturcq S., Rodier X., Hautefeuille F., Jouve B., Fieux E. (2013) From space to graphs to understand spatial changes using medieval and modern fiscal sources, In Archeology in the Digital Era, Amsterdam University Press, p 420:427. [paper]
- Le Couedic M., Leturcq S., Rodier X., Hautefeuille F., Fieux E., Jouve B. (2012) Du cadastre ancien au graphe. Les dynamiques spatiales dans les sources fiscales médiévales et modernes. ArchéoSciences 36 : 71-84. [paper]
- Hautefeuille F, Jouve B (2012) La définition des élites rurales (XIII-XV° s.) au carrefour des approches : historiques, archéologiques, mathématiques. Mélanges de l’Ecole Française de Rome (MEFRM) 124(2) : 383-403. [paper]
- Villa-Vialaneix N., Jouve B., Rossi F., Hautefeuille F. (2012) Spatial correlation in bipartite networks: the impact of the geographical distances on the relations in a corpus of medieval transactions. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information (SHS-1) : 97-110. [paper]
- Lacomme L., Camps V., Demazeau Y., Hautefeuille F., Jouve B. (2011) Middle Age Social Networks: A Dynamic Organizational Study. In: Demazeau Y., Pěchoucěk M., Corchado J.M., Pérez J.B. (eds) Advances on Practical Applications of Agents and Multiagent Systems, 88. Springer: 211-216.
- Boulet R, Fieux E, Jouve B (2010) Simplicial simple-homotopy of flag complexes in terms of graphs. European Journal of Combinatorics 31: 161-176 [paper]
- Boulet R., Mazzega P., Jouve B. (2009) Environmental, social and normative networks in the MAELIA Platform, Proc. Workshop Legal & Decision Support Systems’09, Barcelona, Spain, M. Poblet, U. Schild, J. Zelenikow eds., CEUR, p83-93. [paper]
- Culus JF, Jouve B (2009) Convex circuit free coloration of an oriented graph. European Journal of Combinatorics 30(1): 43-52. [paper]
- Jouve B. (2009) Mathématiques pour l’étude de graphes de tailles moyennes : approches théoriques et cas d’études. Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de l’Université de Toulouse. [HDR]
- Boulet R, Jouve B (2008) The lollipop graph is determined by its spectrum. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 15(1): R74 [paper]
- Boulet R, Jouve B, Rossi F, Villa N (2008) Batch kernel SOM and related Laplacian methods for social network analysis. Neurocomputing 71 (7-9): 1257-1273.[paper] Papier présenté sur le site de Nature
- Boulet R, Fieux E, Jouve B (2008) s-homotopy for finite graph. Electonic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (31): 123-127.
- Boulet R., Jouve B (2007) Partitionnement d’un réseau de sociabilité à fort coefficient de clustering. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information (9) : 569-574. [paper]
- Culus JF, Jouve B (2005) Tournois sans intervalle acyclique. Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris (Ser.1 341) : 465-468.[article]
- Jouve B (2005) Transitive convex subsets in large tournaments. Electronic Notes on Discrete Mathematics (22) : 433-437. [paper] (7th International Colloquium on Graph Theory ICGT ’05, 12-16 septembre 2005, Hyière-France)
- Vezoli J, Falchier A, Jouve B, Knoblauch K, Young M and Kennedy H (2004) Quantitative analysis of connectivity in the visual cortex : extracting function from structure. The Neuroscientist 10 (5) : 476-482 , SAGE Publ. [paper]
- Ferré L, Jouve B (2002) Vertex partitioning of a class of digraphs. Mathematics & Social Sciences (158) : 59 – 77. [paper]
- Jouve B, Kuntz P, Velin E (2001) Extraction de structures macroscopiques dans des grands graphes par une approche spectrale. In Extraction des Connaissances et Apprentissage, 1 (4) : 173-184. Hermes (eds), Paris. [paper]
- Jouve B (1999) La multiplicité des aires visuelles du cortex: approche par la théorie des graphes. Doctorat de L’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (discipline: Sciences Cognitives), sous la direction de Michel Imbert et Pierre Rosenstiehl, soutenue le 11 Janvier 1999. [PhD1][PhD2]
- Jouve B, Rosenstiehl P, Imbert M (1998) A mathematical approach to the connectivity between the cortical visual areas of the macaque monkey. Cerebral Cortex (8): 28-39. [paper]