The Art of Brokering Agreements: Identities and Agencies of Renaissance Peacemakers

Renaissance Society of America 2018, New Orleans (USA), Fri, March 23, 9:00 to 12:00 am, Hilton Riverside, 1st Level – Grand Salon Breakout 21.

Org: N. Rivere de Carles & A. Lafont

Chair: Frédéric Herrmann (Université Lyon 2 Lumière)

1. Stéphane Miglierina (Université Paris-Sorbonne) Atto Melani, a Diplomat and a Castrato: Music and Diplomacy at the Court of France.

2. Andrew Hiscock (University of Bangor) “Lay by thine Armes and take the Citie”: Brokering and Broken Agreements in Middleton’s Drama

3. Nathalie Rivere de Carles (Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès) Diplomatic Parrhesia, Dramatic Fantasy or Diplomatic Reality ? Diplomatic Speech in Question on the Shakespearean Stage.

4. Lindsay Ann Reid (National University of Ireland, Galway) The Early Modern Querelle des Femmes and the Judgement of Solomon in Greenes Vision

5. Cécile Decaix (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) William Caxton’s Eneydos (1490) and the Resolution of Conflict

6. Agnès Lafont (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3) “A wicked messenger falleth into evill: but a faithfull ambassadour is preservation” (Proverb [Geneva bible, 13 :17], MS40, fol.18): Negotiating One’s voice in Pforzeimer MS40


Papers 1 to 3:

Papers 4 to 6: