12-13 June 2014
This colloquium will analyse the changing theoretical and practical forms of political, economic and cultural diplomacy from the eve of the Thirty Years War to the questioning of the Westphalian system in the 20th and the 21st centuries. It will focus on the English-speaking countries and the nations with which it has had privileged links. We will contrast mainstream diplomacy and marginal or alternative forms of diplomacy. The growing use of cultural diplomacy (soft power), of commercial diplomacy and of paradiplomacy will be at the heart of our debates. The hard power of government-to-government diplomacy will be pitted against other levels of diplomatic undertakings involving non-governmental stakeholders. The role of art, literature and culture as diplomatic instruments and the artist as diplomat will be a new aspect of the analysis of diplomacy. Studying official and non-official diplomatic figures, real and fictional ambassadors, allows us to consider the linguistic and stylistic features of the diplomatic rhetoric.
Advisory Board
Dr Nathalie Duclos (Toulouse-Jean Jaurès)
Pr Nathalie Dessens (Toulouse-Jean Jaurès)
Dr Christer Geisler (Uppsala)
Dr Frederic Herrmann (Lyon 2-TRIANGLE)
Pr Michael Keating (Aberdeen)
Pr Steve Murdoch (St Andrews)
Dr Nathalie Rivere de Carles (Toulouse-Jean Jaurès)
Organisers: Nathalie Rivere de Carles & Nathalie Duclos for the Cultures Anglo-Saxonnes Research Center, EA 801)
Contact :
8.30 Accueil et Inscription / Registration (Salle / Room D28)
8h45 Discours d’ouverture / Opening Speech (Salle / Room D29)
9h00-10h30 Atelier / Panel 1 Forms of negotiation in 17th century Europe / Formes de la négociation dans l’Europe du XVIIème siècle (Salle / Room D29)
-DESENCLOS Camille (Ecole Nationale des Chartes/ Paris Sorbonne), La négociation diplomatique, un jeu de dupes ? Menées françaises et anglaises dans l’affaire du Palatinat (1621-1623)
-CARRIÓ-INVERNIZZI Diana (UNED Madrid), The Spanish Embassy at The Hague: the ambassador Manuel de Lira and the creation of a Cosmopolitan Culture in Europe (1671-1678)
-MARCHAL Muriel (Paris Sorbonne), L’Angleterre et la France, faiseurs de paix en Scandinavie en 1657-1660
10h30-10h45 Pause/ Break (Salle / Room D28)
10h45-12h30 Atelier / Panel 2 Early Modern Diplomatic languages / La langue diplomatique à la première modernité (Salle / Room D29)
-DANIEL Marie-Céline (Paris Sorbonne), Jean Hotman, diplomate et traducteur : du bon usage des traductions pour une diplomatie discrète.
-GEISLER Christer (Uppsala), The English language in 17th-century diplomacy.
-LE PRIEULT Henri (Toulouse Jean Jaurès), Describing English to the world: when early grammarians cross borders
-SUNER Suna (Don Juan Archiv Wien), Opera and Diplomacy from the Ottoman World to Papal Rome between the 16th and the 18th century.
12h30-14h00 Déjeuner / Lunch break (Salle / Room D28)
14h00-15h00 Conférence plénière / Plenary session (Salle / Room D29)
Lucien Bély (Paris Sorbonne), Peut-on parler d’une culture diplomatique ?
15h-16h30 Atelier / Panel 3 17th century republican diplomacy / La diplomatie républicaine au XVIIème siècle (Salle / Room D29)
-ANTONINI Lorenzo Comensoli (Padoua/ Paris Sorbonne), The Venetian Relazioni from England: a small republic looks at the kingdom that becomes an Empire
-HERRMANN Frédéric (Lyon 2-Lumière), Milton’s Latin-Secretary manuscripts and the construction of a republican past
-HENNETON Lauric (Versailles-Saint Quentin), Frontier Diplomacy: Crosscultural Adjustments and Conflict Resolution across the North American Anglo-French Interface (1640s)
16h30-16h45 Pause / Break (Salle / Room D28)
16h45-18h30 Atelier / Panel 4 Commercial diplomacy since the 17th century / La diplomatie commerciale depuis le XVIIème siècle (Salle / Room D29)
-KALINOWSKA Anna (Institut of History, Polish Academy of Sciences), Commercial factors no more. Problem of British diplomatic representation in Poland-Lithuania in the early 17th century
-TALBOT Michael (St Andrews), The mechanics of commerce and diplomacy: British-Ottoman relations in the eighteenth century
-BOUGHANMI Aymen (ATHAREP, CNRS), La diplomatie commerciale et financière de l’impérialisme britannique: les exemples perses et ottomans, 1875-1914 -VELUT Jean-Baptiste (Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle), ‘Be careful what you wish for’: the paradoxes of America’s new trade diplomacy.
8 pm Dîner du colloque / Conference Dinner
8.45 Accueil & Inscription / Registration (Salle / Room D28)
9h00-10h15 :
Atelier / Panel 5 Diplomatic methods and stakeholders / Méthodes et acteurs diplomatiques (Salle / Room D29) -RICAUD Raphaël (Paris Ouest, Nanterre), John Lackey Brown, public diplomat par excellence -DE WITTE Mona (Reims-Lille 3), Renseignement et diplomatie : repenser la naissance de la relation spéciale |
Atelier Panel 6 Forms and figures of cultural diplomacy / Formes et figures de la diplomatie culturelle (Salle / Room D31)
-COTTENET Cécile (Aix-Marseille), The (French) Literary agent and U.S. Cultural Diplomacy -BYRNE Alice (Rennes 2), Periodical journalism as an instrument of cultural diplomacy or informational diplomacy: the example of Britain To-day (1945-1954) |
10h15-10h30 Pause/ Break
Atelier / Panel 7 Old World & New World diplomacies / Diplomaties de l’ancien et du nouveau monde (Salle / Room D29) -DAVIS Richard (Lille 3), Old diplomacy in a New World: British and French Diplomacy 1958-69. -CARBUCCIA Chloé (Aix-Marseille), We want to have our American cake without eating our Canadian words: l’évolution de la diplomatie canadienne sous les Libéraux (1963-84) -DATTA-RAY Deep (Hakluyt&Co ; Sussex), The undoing of Europe’s diplomatic legacy in South Asia |
Atelier / Panel 8 The writer ambassador / L’écrivain-ambassadeur (Salle /Room D31)
-SALATI Marie-Odile (Université de Savoie), Les Ambassadeurs de Henry James : de la rhétorique à la sémiotique -CHARBONNIER Gil (Aix), Récit de vie politique et culturelle dans Journal d’un attaché d’ambassade de Paul Morand -GAKUTANI Ryo (Université de Tokyo), Du Japon aux États-Unis : la politique de paix internationale de Paul Claudel, ambassadeur de France, dans les années 1920 |
12h00-13h45 Déjeuner / Lunch break (Salle / Room D28) 13h45-14h45 Conférence plénière / Plenary session, (Salle / Room D29)
Noe Cornago (University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU)), Beyond the diplomatic incident
14h45- 15h45 Atelier / Panel 9 Academic ambassadors / Université et Ambassade (Salle / Room D31)
-IRISH Tomas (Trinity College Dublin), Between the Nation and the Institution: Harvard’s Professorial Exchange with France during the First World War
-BETTIE Molly (Leeds), The Scholar as Diplomat: The Fulbright Program and America’s Cultural Engagement with the World
15h45-16h00 Pause / Break (Salle / Room D28)
Atelier / Panel 10 : Unexpected diplomatic forces / Forces diplomatiques inattendues (Salle / Room D29) -CHASSERIEAU Myriam, (AMU), ‘Ambassadors of Democracy’ : Les soldats de l’armée d’occupation des États-Unis en Allemagne, 1945-1949 -WALTHER Karine (Georgetown Qatar), Cultural, ideological and religious forces and the alternative narrative to the Monroe Doctrine during the Greek War of Independence (1821-1828) -BIBBEE Jeffrey R. (University of North Alabama), Utilizing Religious Leaders as a Diplomatic Smokescreen: Bernard Pares and the 1909 Visit to the Russian Duma |
Atelier / Panel 11 : Diplomacy and artistic dialogues / Diplomatie et dialogues artistiques (Salle / Room D31)
-VAN DAM Frederik (Leuven), ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’: Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s Richelieu (1839) -BOOS Florence (Idaho State), Empires and Scapegoats: The Pre-Raphaelites and the Near East” -STEELE Laurel (US Foreign Service), Diplomatic Dialogues to a Jazz Beat: Who Listened When Duke Ellington Did Kabul? |
17h45 Fin de la Conférence / End of Conference
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