Call for papers


Among the most controversial issues in research on bilingualism is the question whether (late) L2 acquisition is qualitatively different from first language acquisition. In this context, it is important to disentangle age effects from bilingualism effects (Kupisch 2012, Hopp & Schmid, 2013; Schmid & Köpke, forthc.), since studies investigating crosslinguistic influence in bilingual speakers suggest that bilinguals process their L2s and their L1(s) differently from monolinguals irrespective of the age of onset of bilingualism. To advance our understanding of bilingual acquisition and processing, comparisons of bilingual language acquisition and processing across different groups of bilingual learners (2L1, early and late L2) as well as L1 attriters are called for. This workshop aims to bring together new and complementary comparative perspectives on (2)L1 and L2 acquisition, bilingual language processing and attrition.

The present workshop is part of an ESRC-funded Seminar Series on Language Attrition. However, the focus of the workshop is not restricted to language attrition. Rather, we would like to invite submissions from a large range of topics related to the issue of differences between monolinguals and bilinguals and the dynamics of the linguistic competence in bilingual development and language use. Submissions based on models from a variety of theoretical backgrounds are explicitly called for. Hence, topics of the conference will include but not be limited to:

  • comparisons of language processing in the different languages of bi- or multilingual speakers, attriters and L2 learners
  • comparisons of language processing in monolingual and bi- or multilingual speakers, attriters and L2 learners
  • studies on crosslinguistic influence between languages in bi- and multilingual speakers, attriters and L2 learners
  • neuroimaging and neurocognitive studies of language processing in bi- and multilinguals
  • studies on very advanced stages of L2 acquisition
  • studies on L1 attrition at different stages
  • comparisons of methodology across populations



Hopp, H & Schmid, M.S. (2014). Perceived foreign accent in L1 attrition and L2 acquisition: The impact of age of acquisition and bilingualism. Applied Psycholinguistics, 34(2), 361-394.
Kupisch, T. (2012). Generic subjects in the Italian of early German-Italian bilinguals and German learners of Italian as a second language.
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15(4), 736-756.
Schmid, M.S. & Köpke, B. (forthc.). First language attrition and bilingual development. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism.