



International Seminar 2-3 February 2015                                         

Toulouse Jean Jaurès University and ENFA

Assessment and Evaluation in inclusive education :

from representations to assessment practices

Inclusive education is founded on every student’s right To quality education. it is intended to meet fundamental training needs and to improve learners’ life. It is part of an international movement which promotes the principles of non discrimination and the acknowledgment of the rights of the handicapped individual, in the wake of the principles of the Universal Declaration of the rights of man in 1948.

In order to promote the equality of opportunity, the law in different countries recommends taking the needs of handicapped learners into account, by creating personalized courses and adapted curriculum in matters of training and assessment.

Those recommendations require important changes in education, as well as in professional pedagogical tools and practices. all this means that teachers and trainers have to meet complex issues :

  • Assessment :       what is underlying assessment ? Who is assessing? What about the training of those who assess? What kind of assessment do we need ( and how is it implemented?) of special needs students at eaçh stage of their lives?
  • Adaptation and diversification of assessment so as to take the abilities of special needs students into account.
  • Make confrontation and mutualisation of assessment tools possible. Get to an institutional recognition.


In the Seminar, 3 topics will be examined

1. The topic of equality and equity will be scrutinized in the light of the proposals of the european agency for the promotion of the education of special needs students. “ Implementing within mainstream education an assessment method likely to accompany students throughout all their training. The main target of assessment is to promote the inclusion of all students likely to be excluded, special needs students included.»[1].

2. Assessment methods will be examined and particular focus will be on the teacher’s assessment approach, and the consequences for special needs students.

Professional stereotypes, their consequences and the actor’s involvment will be at the coreof the study.

3. A reflexion on assessment by competences will be carried out. The students’ status, their needs, difficulties or impairments, but also their capacities all relates to what is meant by competence. The assessment of the students’competences and the tools used in the assessment process will no longer ignore students’potential.