Tag Archives: matière première



Evidence from the Site of Collecchio (Parma, Italy)

Davide VISENTIN, Federica FONTANA, Stefano BERTOLA

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Dating back to the ancient phase of the Sauveterrian the site of Collecchio represents the oldest known evidence of human occupation in the southern Po plain area after the LGM as confirmed by a radiocarbon date. Techno-economical analysis carried out on the lithic assemblage has focused on the reconstruction of raw materials provisioning systems and reduction sequences. Results highlight that the site was characterised by a complex and intense occupation mostly addressed to domestic activities. One of the most peculiar aspects of the lithic assemblage is represented by the high number of burins, which could imply a certain degree of economical specialisation of the site as it will be further investigated by ongoing analyses.

To cite this article

Visentin D., Fontana F., Bertola S., 2014 – An Atypical Early Mesolithic Occupation in the Southern Po Plain: Evidence from the Site of Collecchio (Parma, Italy), in Henry A., Marquebielle B., Chesnaux L., Michel S. (eds.), Techniques and Territories: New Insights into Mesolithic Cultures, Proceedings of the Round table, November 22-23 2012, Maison de la recherche, Toulouse (France), P@lethnology, 6, 123-128.



Factors and Meaning

Frédéric SÉARA

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Lithic flaking strategies were defined based on the study of large lithic assemblages from well-preserved sites, sometimes with flaking concentrations. In these contexts with good potential for the realization of complex refittings, I was able to obtain very significant results. This analysis method, often ignored in analyses of Mesolithic assemblages, revealed previously unknown features in both the spatial organization and technology of the assemblages studied. These data are integrated into a chrono-cultural framework that constitutes a solid reference base. The determination of raw material types and their origins, a research axis that is well established in the region, contributed greatly to our interpretations. It is thus possible to address the question of the potential relationship between procurement distances and flaking strategies. The variability of the flaking strategies represented by the most significant refitting groups, composed of nearly one hundred pieces, does not appear to be very significant. Four broad, unequally represented, strategies were defined and raise the question of their justification based on criteria of a very different nature.

To cite this article

Séara F., 2014 – Variability of Lithic Flaking Strategies: Factors and Meaning, in Henry A., Marquebielle B., Chesnaux L., Michel S. (eds.), Techniques and Territories: New Insights into Mesolithic Cultures, Proceedings of the Round table, November 22-23 2012, Maison de la recherche, Toulouse (France), P@lethnology, 6, 23-53.