Tag Archives: fracture d’utilisation


Lithic weapon elements in Western France
(Brittany and Pays de la Loire)
during the late glacial period:

a Proposed Chrono-cultural Organization and Reduction Sequence


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In recent years, new data on the Late Glacial period in western France have allowed us to develop a model of chronocultural evolution based on comparative lithic technology and lithic hunting weapon elements. This period can be divided in to four main phases: Early Azilian, Late Azilian, Final Azilian and Auvours-type industries. Though it presents some particularities, the western Late Glacial appears very similar to that which is well documented neighbouring regions. After a succinct presentation of these cultures, this article will focus on the lithic reduction sequences for the fabrication of weapon elements in order to identify and explain possible variations in the treatment of projectile points between the groups studied. This heterogeneity appears to be linked to a difference in approaches to raw materials and volumetric conceptions between the Late Azilian and Auvours-type industries rather than to a change in the status of weapon elements, which remain central to the production objectives.

To cite this article

Naudinot N., 2009 – Lithic Weapon Elements in Western France (Brittany and Pays de la Loire) during the Late Glacial Period: a Proposed Chrono-cultural Organization and Reduction Sequence, in Pétillon J.-M., Dias-Meirinho M.-H., Cattelain P., Honegger M., Normand C., Valdeyron N., Projectile Weapon Elements from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Neolithic, Proceedings of session C83, XVth UISPP World Congress, Lisbon, September 4-9, 2006, P@lethnology, 1, 241-268.