Where to find your classroom
If your room starts with…then go to:
A, C or D _____
AC ___________
AR ___________
B32 __________
CA ____________
FC ____________
GA ___________
GH, GS or G ___
LA ____________
M or MP ______
MDS or MS ____
UO ___________
La Maison de la Recherche
Henri Mayer
Georges Candilis
La Fabrique
Le Gai Savoir
Olympe de Gouges
Philippe Malrieu
La Maison des Solidarités
Université Ouverte
What about the auditoriums?
- Lecture theatres A to F are located in the corridor between the Olympe de Gouges et Philippe Malrieu buildings
- Lecture theatre GA1 is located in the Gai Savoir building
- Lecture theatres ODG1 à ODG4 are in the Olympe de Gouges building
- Lecture theatres MDS1 et MDS2 are located in the Maison des Solidarités building (access to the rear of the building, between La Présidence and La Maison des solidarités buildings)
- Lecture theatre 9 is in the L’Arche building
- Lecture theatre 12 is in the Érasme building
- Lecture theatre Philippe Malrieu is located in the Philippe Malrieu building
- Le Grand amphi (Grand Amphi in French) is located in the Accueil building
Good to know
- These letters are followed by a series of numbers from 001 à 399.
- The hundreds digit indicates the floor.
e.g.: LA320 identifies a classroom located on the third floor of the Érasme building.