Doctoral Schools

These schools organise doctoral education programmes. After defending a dissertation, these courses lead to the doctorate awarded by UT2J.  The university has:

3 doctoral schools:

  • Allph@  (Arts, Literature, Languages, Philosophy, Communication)
  • Clesco (Behaviour, Language, Education, Socialisation, Cognition)
  • Tesc (Time, Space, Societies, Cultures)

UT2J also oversees 4 other graduate schools on a secondary basis:

  • AA (Aeronautics and Astronautics)
  • EDSys (Systems Doctoral School)
  • GEETS (Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Telecommunications & Health)
  • MITT (Mathematics, Computer Science, Telecommunications in Toulouse)

The Doctoral education department:

Manages the education of doctoral students; arranges and monitors thesis supervision agreements between different institutions; organises doctoral education programmes; prepares PhD students for entry into the world of work; and coordinates the missions of the doctoral schools.

Doctoral school missions

 The school: offers training to doctoral students that will help with their research project and career objectives, as well as to broaden their scientific literacy.

Implements a high-level doctoral student recruitment policy

Guarantees the quality of supervision of doctoral students in laboratories and research teams, and oversees compliance with  the thesis charter of the Université de Toulouse

Monitors the career destinations of its PhD students

 Contributes to opening up European and international horizons by promoting thesis supervision between two international institutions.