UT2J Academic Schools (UFR in French), Departments, Institutes and Graduate Schools

The university’s teaching is dispensed through the academic schools divided into departments, and through its institutes and graduate schools.

 The 5 academic schools and their departments
UFR History, Arts and Archaeology
UFR Literature, philosophy, music, arts, entertainment, communication
UFR of Psychology

Campus Mirail, bât. Philippe Malrieu
accueil.psycho@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 61 50 43 90

The UFR de Psychologie offers courses in clinical psychology (subjectivity, unconsciousness, culture), cognitive psychology and ergonomics, developmental psychology, social, work and organizational psychology, psychopathology, health psychology and neuroscience.

The 7 institutes, including 2 university institutes of technology (IUT in French), and 2 internal graduate schools
Blagnac IUT

scolarite.iutb@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 62 74 75 75

Departments :

Computer Science
Industrial engineering and maintenance (GIM)
Networks and telecommunications (R&T)
Social careers (CS)

Figeac IUT

Campus de Figeac
iut.figeac@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 65 50 30 60

Departments :

Mechanical and Production Engineering (GMP)
Marketing Techniques (TC)
Social careers (CS)

Higher Institute of Tourism, Hospitality and Food (Isthia)

Campus Mirail, bât. Candilis
isthia.toulouse@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 61 50 42 30

Isthia trains students in professions:

Some courses are provided on the Foix, Cahors and Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) campuses.

Institute for training school musicians (Ifmi)

Campus Mirail, bât. Le Gai Savoir
ifmi@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 61 50 45 43

Ifmi trains students in:
Pedagogy and grounds
Languages ​​and scripts
Musical practices
Pre-professional internship

Multidisciplinary Institute for Studies on the Americas in Toulouse (Ipeat)

Campus Mirail, bât. Maison de la Recherche
ipeat@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 61 50 43 93

Ipeat trains students in:
Geography, planning and urban planning
History, ethnohistory
Sociology, anthropology of organizations

Regional Labour Institute (IRT)

Campus Mirail, bât. Olympe de Gouges
irt@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 61 50 25 74

The IRT contributes to the higher education of union confederation activists (CFDT, CGT and FO).

Higher Institute of Colour, Image, Design (ISCID)

Campus Montauban
iscid.aa@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 63 91 88 81

The Iscid offers training in applied arts, science and technology, fixed and animated image, color and environment, design and sensory design.

National School of Audiovisual (Ensav)

Campus Toulouse centre (rue du Taur)
accueil.ensav@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 61 50 35 07

Ensav trains students in practices and research in audiovisual from the third year of license (L3).

Some training is provided in Castres.

National Higher Institute of Teaching and Education Toulouse Occitanie-Pyrénées (Inspé)

Campus Toulouse Saint-Agne
inspe.scolarite@univ-tlse2.fr – 05 62 25 20 00

Inspe provides training in masters in teaching, education and training (MEEF).

Inspé Toulouse Occitanie-Pyrénées is present in 8 departments of the Occitanie Region and 10 campuses: Toulouse (Muret, Saint-Agne and Rangueil), Auch, Albi, Rodez, Tarbes, Foix, Montauban, Cahors.