A brief introduction to the university
A multidisciplinary university
A broad-based, multifaceted and diverse university, Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès ranks amongst France’s leading universities for the arts, literature and languages, humanities and social sciences, both in terms of teaching and research. Its innovative multidisciplinary approach encompasses science and technology in the Mathematics & Computer Science department, in addition to economics and management.
A university that cares about the success of its students
UT2J demonstrates a strong resolve to help its students to succeed and has implemented innovative approaches, such as students in second year and above welcoming first year students and helping them to settle into university life.
Varied student and cultural life
UT2J enjoys a particularly dynamic student, cultural and community life, and it is home to the only major university culture space in Europe – La Fabrique – which features over 200 shows annually in its dedicated 170+ seat theatre (La Scène), as well as several first-rate exhibition spaces..
The university’s “Maison des initiatives étudiantes” is a dedicated meeting space for community associations.
Student enrolLment numbers at a glance

Focus on research activities