Class types: lectures (CM in French) and Directed Work (TD in French)
CM (lectures) are often given in auditoriums.
TD (directed work) are given in front of small groups of students. They can serve as an application and explanation of teaching in CM.
It is mandatory to attend all classes as part of the continuous assessment.
Build your schedule IG.Web
The IG.Web application allows you to create, consult and print your timetable.
It is accessible via the digital workspace (ENT) > Mon dossier étudiant file section and can only be used during specific periods.
It is not possible to modify a TD lesson schedule except in the case of specific arrangements (see Special student support services ). In case of difficulty, contact the department concerned.
Most license UEs and a number of master UEs are available on the application. If this is not the case, you must contact the relevant department directly.
From course unit (UE in French) to degree
Each degree is organized in semesters. Each semester is made up of teaching units (UE).
The diploma corresponds to a mention and consists of three years (L1, L2, L3).Each year has two semesters.
Chaque année comporte deux semestres.
The UE (teaching unit) is the basis of your training and your registration. It brings together one or more disciplines. A teaching unit has a code, a title and a certain number of ECTS credits. They are chosen during the registration phase (see Enrollment, switching courses) and appear on your educational registration form.
To succeed in your course, it is important to clearly identify the EU to which you register.
typeS OF UE (teaching unit)
UE of the major and UE of the minor: In the 1st year of the license, the major is associated with a second discipline, called minor, to be chosen from a proposed list (see choice of UEs in minor). At the end of L1, two choices are possible: continue only the lessons of your major or continue to follow your major and your minor.
UE of methodology: obligatory UE whose goal is to help to appropriate the methods of university work.
UE student project support: Compulsory EU whose objective is to help build one’s training course, further studies, integration, etc.
UE living language (LV) or option: compulsory UE to be chosen from a proposed list (see Options).
In L1, the major and the minor are of equal importance in terms of ECTS credits.
Choice of UE (teaching units) – Minor subject options based on the major subject chosen
In L1 only: Modern literature, language sciences
From L1 to L3: Arabic, Catalan, Italian, Occitan, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish
From L2: Didactics of FLE
From L1 to L3: Arabic, Catalan, history, French sign language, Italian, modern literature, Occitan, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, language sciences
From L2: Cinema, FLE didactics, teaching in schools
In L1 only: Language Sciences
From L1 to L3: German, English, Catalan, Spanish, History, Italian, Occitan,
Portuguese, Russian
From L2: Didactique du FLE, professorat des écoles
In L1 only: Language Sciences
From L1 to L3: German, English, Arabic, Spanish, History, Italian, Modern literature, Portuguese, Russian
From L1 to L3:
Performing arts: theater, arts and literature, modern literature, philosophy
From L1 to L3: Anthropology-ethnology, history, art history and archaeology, modern literature
From L1 to L3: German, English, Arabic, Catalan, Italian, Occitan, Portuguese, Russian, language sciences.
From L2: Didactique du FLE, professorat des écoles
From L1 to L3: Anthropology-ethnology, economics, history, sociology
From L2: Professorat des écoles
From L1 to L3: Economics, computer science – mathematics, sociology
From L1 to L3: Anthropology-ethnology, art history and archaeology, sociology
Art history and archaeology
In L1 only: Anthropology-ethnology, history, classics, literature and arts
In L1 only: Modern literature, language sciences
From L1 to L3: German, English, Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, Occitan, Portuguese, Russian
From L2: Didactique du FLE, professorat des écoles
From L1 to L3: History, art history and archaeology, modern literature, philosophy
Literature and arts
From L1 to L3: Performing arts, art history and archaeology, modern literature,
From L2: Cinema
Modern literature
From L1 to L3: Documentation, French sign language, arts and literature, classics
From L2: Cinema, FLE didactics, teaching in schools
From L2: Professorat des écoles
From L1 to L3: Performing arts, art history and archaeology, literature and the arts
In L1 only: Language Sciences
From L1 to L3: German, English, Arabic, Spanish, history, Italian, modern
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
From L2: Professorat des écoles
From L1 to L3: Sociology
In L1 only: Language Sciences
From L1 to L3: German, English, Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, History, Italian, Occitan, Russian
From L2: Didactique du FLE, professorat des écoles
From L2: Professorat des écoles
In L1 only: Language Sciences
From L1 to L3: German, English, Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, History, Italian, Occitan, Portuguese
From L2: Didactics of FLE
Sciences de l’éducation
In L1 only: Literature and arts, modern literature, language sciences, sociology
From L1 to L3: Psychology
From L2: Professorat des écoles
Anthropology – Ethnology
From L1 to L3: Geography, history, art history and archaeology, sociology
Language Sciences
In L1 only: German, English, Arabic, Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Occitan, Portuguese, Russian, educational sciences, sociology
From L1 to L3: French Sign Language* (Langue des signes française)
From L2: Didactique du FLE, professorat des écoles
In L1 only: Education sciences, language sciences
From L1 to L3: Anthropology-ethnology, geography, history, philosophy
Where can I find the right info on my course unit? The UE course code reveals it all.
European Credits Transfer System or credits are intended to facilitate the academic recognition of study abroad, in particular under the Erasmus programmes.
ECTS credits are proportional to the volume of work undertaken by the student, and they allow the level achieved to be measured.
In France, one semester of study counts as 30 ECTS.
Summary : 1 ECTS (or credit) = 25 to 30 hours of student work
1 UE worth 8 ECTS (or credits) = 200 to 240 hours of student work
Most units on a degree course involve two or four hours of teaching a week.
Each semester, students must choose an option from among the language, culture and sports courses, or from within their major or minor.
Compulsory, this option opens the door to other practices or reinforces the curriculum.
Language options
Lansad (languages for specialists in other disciplines)
UT2J offers a particularly rich range of modern language courses, with the possibility of choosing from 18 foreign or regional languages. These courses are available as options (2 hours per week) in almost all courses and throughout your degree course (from L1 to M1).
If you choose to enroll in one of the modern languages offered, you must present the results of the APLI test and/or the eLAO test on the day of enrolment: for first-time registration in the language at UT2J
for registration in level B1 English
Some languages, including English, are not available through the Distance Learning Service (SED).
Open course units (UEO in French)
These enable a personal undertaking or activity related to the arts, culture, sport or citizenship to be recognised in your degree. Only one UEO may be selected per semester.
“Handiversité” – a citizenship UEO that aims to:
creative actions on the theme of disability at university
student buddying, accessibility checking, support, sports guides, grocery shop, organising games, raising awareness
help construct a sensory room on the Mirail campus
All undergraduate students with or without a disability may take this open course unit.
Contact: Handiversité UEO
Mentoring and support
Students in L1 can benefit from a range of pedagogical support services.
Individual contact with a teacher-referent
Each L1 student benefits from specific contact with a teacher-referent. This is a privileged contact whose role is to provide information, guidance (towards the school’s services or facilities) and advice.
The teacher-referent will be the TD teacher for the UE: Accompagnement du projet de l’étudiant-e (semester 1 of L1).
Inter-student tutoring
In L1, assistance is provided by Master’s and PhD students. Tutoring offers students who so wish the opportunity to work in small weekly workshops to help them understand the lectures, learn how to draw up reading notes, do bibliographical research and work out a professional project.
The timetable for the workshops offered is posted in each component (UFR, school, etc.) as soon as the academic year begins.
Tutoring is free. By taking part, you increase your chances of success.