Examinations, continuous assessment or final assessment
For most teaching units, you can choose between two examination systems: Continuous assessment (CC): compulsory attendance and assessment throughout the year.
terminal assessment (CT): no attendance requirement, assessment at the end of the semester.
This system can be combined with distance learning (See Alternative study methods).
The choice of plan is made at the time of enrolment (See Enrollment, Switching courses).
End-of-semester or mid-term exams
They are organized in two sessions (except M2 and professional licenses): the first session and the second session, otherwise known as the make-up session. The dates of mid-term exams (continuous assessment) are indicated by each teacher. The dates of end-of-semester exams (1st and 2nd session) are available on the online timetable via the digital workspace (ENT).
Examinations scheduled in person are only held on university campuses.
It is possible to obtain a replacement test in the event of hospitalization, the death of a close relative, etc. To take advantage of this possibility, you must send a letter with supporting documents to the administrative manager of the department concerned within 48 hours of the test.
Scholarship students: special case
A student on a scholarship must attend taught classes and sit exams.
Crous rules state that: “students are reminded that any failure to attend class or any absence from examinations will automatically suspend scholarship payments and invoke the reimbursement of sums already paid”.
Grades and results
The results are available for information purposes via the digital workspace (ENT) in the My student file section, at the end of each session. Only the jury’s minutes are authentic.
In the event of error or dispute, a request must be made to the secretariat of the department concerned.
Average mark calculation
Compensation is the calculation of your overall average by taking into account the different coefficients (ECTS credits).
It enables you to offset negative results with positive ones. It applies at different levels: within courses, between courses and between semesters.
If you wish to refuse semester and/or inter-semester compensation, please return the appropriate form to the department secretary.