How does university work?
The university takes its decisions within elected councils and committees that include student representation.
Management Board – (CA in French)
6 elected students (users) out of 36 members.
It determines institutional policy and elects the university president.
Academic Council – (CAC in French)
The Academic Council has 80 members, including 22 student representatives.
Primarily a consultative body, it is organized into different configurations, including the Training and University Life Commission (CFVU) and the Research Commission (CR). It also has a plenary formation (meeting of CFVU and CR members) and a restricted formation made up solely of teacher-researchers and assimilated members of the two aforementioned commissions. The Academic Council is the guarantor of academic freedom.
Training and University Life Committee – CFVU
16 student representatives (users) out of 40 members.
It deals with all matters relating to training and campus life, whether cultural, sporting, associative or civic.
Research Committee – CR
6 student representatives (doctoral students) out of 40 members.
It allocates the resources earmarked for research within the framework of the strategy defined by the Board of Directors. It is consulted on various research-related issues.
Student Vice-presidency
Elected by the academic council, this office represents students within the university and before the university President.
Elected for two years, the student vice-president is consulted on matters concerning student life and university plans. The current student vice-president is Raphaël Montazaud.

In 2022-2023, new student representatives for the next two years are sought in university decision-making bodies (CA, CFU, CR), and on academic school and departmental committees.