Literature and medicine – Volume 28, Number 1, Spring 2009

Literature and medicine

Volume 28, Number 1, Spring 2009

Editor’s Preface: Narrative, Memory, Rhetoric, and Resurrection par Charles M. Anderson

Raising the Dead: Sermons, Suicide, and Transnational Exchange in the Eighteenth Century par Kelly McGuire

« Reading » the Body of Terri Schiavo: Inscriptions of Power in Medical and Legal Discourse  par Terri Beth Miller

Overwhelming the Medium: Fiction and the Trauma of Pandemic Influenza in 1918  par Catherine Belling

« Waste in a Great Enterprise »: Influenza, Modernism, and One of Ours par Joshua Doležal

W. B. Yeats’s Steinach Operation, Hinduism, and the Severed-Head Plays of 1934–1935 par Kimberly R. Myers
