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Le blog Corps et Médecine. Recherches en sciences humaines et sociales, auparavant hébergé par l’Université Toulouse II le Mirail devient un carnet Hypotheses.org, édité par OpenEdition, un portail de ressources électroniques en sciences humaines et sociales.

Le principe est le même, mais de nouvelles fonctionnalités sont à l’étude.

L’adresse à consulter à présent est :


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Emploi –  3 year post-doc at Imperial College London

The Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine at Imperial College London is seeking a 3-year postdoctoral research associate to participate in a Wellcome Trust-funded programme of research into the topic: One medicine? Investigating human and animal disease circa 1850-2015. 

You will contribute to a work package that examines the institutional, intellectual and disciplinary contexts where research into human and animal diseases intersected during the period 1920-2000. The aim is to expand conceptions of the animal’s role in research beyond that of a model of human disease, and to identify the multiple ways in which animals and their diseases have shaped the history of biomedicine. You will take ownership of this research, while also working closely and synergistically with other members of the research team.

You will have a PhD in the modern history of science, technology or medicine. You will be actively researching the twentieth century history of the biological or medical sciences, broadly construed, and have knowledge of at least one of the following national contexts: Britain, France, Germany, Canada and the USA. You will also have a strong publication record, and be committed to engaging with a range of academic and non-academic audiences.

Details can be accessed via the job search at http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/employment

Further information about the Centre for the History of Science, Technology and medicine is available at http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/historyofscience
The programme of research is described at: http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/historyofscience/onemedicine
For queries, contact Dr Abigail Woods, a.woods@imperial.ac.uk

The closing date is 26 April 2012. Interviews will be held on 23 May



Contrats doctoraux et post-doctoraux – Manière d’écrire. Comment savent les médecins, 1550-1950

Dimanche 25 mars 2012  |  Berlin (Allemagne)

Observation in the clinic, testing in the laboratory, curve-tracing machines: we may think we know how physicians know. We don’t. That is because we have, until recently, ignored the primary medium in which medical knowledge occurs, namely, writing and its organisation and reorganisation on paper. Written patient records are almost as old as medicine itself and still central to its practice. Remarkably unexamined is how these have generated knowledge. The project aims to address a question of interest for understanding science, technology and medicine in the broadest sense: How are generalizations drawn from particulars? Key techniques appear to be those of mastering on paper. These are shared across clinical, natural historical, pedagogical, forensic, accounting, administrative and other activity. To learn how paper technology works and how this has shaped knowledge over time, to show how human beings know and deal with the physical world through operations of pen and paper: the project aims to contribute to this wider goal through its focus on medicine.


Applications are invited for

2 postdoctoral positions (E13) and

2 doctoral positions (65% E13)

to be held for up to five years from 1 October 2012 at the Institute for the History of Medicine, Charité Berlin, for the research project “Ways of Writing: How Physicians Know, 1550-1950” funded by the European Research Council.

Successful applicants will join Volker Hess, Andrew Mendelsohn, and Ruth Schilling to complete a seven-person research group by focusing on one of the following areas:

  1. Physici and Protophysici.  Physicians in administration in early modern northern Italy and the Spanish court.  Writing practices at intersections of government, university, and natural history.  Languages: Latin, Italian and/or Spanish required.
  2. Republic of letters, medicine in the 17th and 18th centuries.  Natural historical practices at work in medical practice and the learned world. Languages: German, French, and English required; Latin preferred.
  3. Birth of the clinic revisited.  Knowledge practices from bedside to handbook at Montpellier, Leiden, Edinburgh, Vienna, 1700-1800.  Languages: Latin, English, and French required; reading knowledge of Dutch preferred.
  4. The Laboratory in the Clinic, 1850-1950.  Role of modern experimental sciences in observation and understanding of disease(s).  Languages: English and German required.
  5. Constructing clinical cases, 1900-1950.  Medical knowing from clinical recording to scientific publication.  Languages: English and German required.  Experience in historical research on patient records preferred.

Applicants should have a strong academic track record and research potential in history or history of science and/or medicine as well as specific knowledge and skills needed to work on one of the research areas listed above.

Teamwork ability, readiness for cooperative research, and openness to multiple disciplinary approaches are essential.

Project members will communicate in English and German.

Applicants with at least a listening knowledge of German will be at an advantage.

Project members will have the opportunity to gain academic qualifications – PhD or Habilitation – through their work on the project.

Preference will be given to equally qualified female applicants.

Volker Hess volker.hess [at] charite.de or
Andrew Mendelsohn a.mendelsohn [at] imperial.ac.uk

To apply, please send full CV, sample of written work, and two-page proposal (in English or German) for research in one of the areas listed above by 25 March 2012 to:

Ms. Stefanie Voth, Sekretariat
electronically stefanie.voth [at] charite.de, or by post
Institut für Geschichte der Medizin
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Ziegelstraße 10
10117 Berlin


Emploi – Fellowship Programs in the Academy Library

The New York Academy of Medicine

Fellowship Programs in the Academy Library

## The Paul Klemperer Fellowship in the History of Medicine ## The Audrey and William H. Helfand Fellowship in the Medical Humanities

Each year the New York Academy of Medicine offers the Paul Klemperer Fellowship and the Audrey and William H. Helfand Fellowship to support work in history and the humanities as they relate to medicine, the biomedical sciences, and health.

The Klemperer Fellowship supports research using the Academy Library as a historical resource.  It is intended specifically for a scholar in residence in the collections of the Academy Library.

The Helfand Fellowship more broadly supports work in the humanities, including both creative projects dealing with health and the medical enterprise, and scholarly research in a humanistic discipline as applied to medicine and health.  Although residence is not obligatory, preference in the selection process will be given applicants whose projects require use of the resources of the Academy Library and who plan to spend time at the Academy.

The Helfand Fellowship and the Klemperer Fellowship each provide stipends of up to $5,000 to support travel, lodging and incidental expenses for a flexible period between June 1, 1999 and December 31, 1999.  Besides completing research or a creative project, each Fellow will be expected to make a presentation at the Academy and submit a final report on the project.  We invite applications from anyone — regardless of citizenship, academic discipline, or academic status — who wishes to use the Academy’s collections for historical research or for a scholarly or creative project in the medical humanities.  Preference will be given to (1) those who show the need to use resources that are uniquely available at the Academy, and
(2) scholars or creative artists in the early stages of their careers.

Applicants may compete for either the Klemperer or the Helfand Fellowship, but not both.  These fellowships are awarded directly to the individual applicant and not to the institution where he or she may normally be employed.  None of the fellowship money is to be used for institutional overhead.

Applications must be received by the Academy by February 1, 1999; candidates will be informed of the results by May 15, 1999.

Requests for application forms or further information should be addressed
to:  Office of the Associate Librarian for Historical Collections and Programs, New York Academy of Medicine, 1216 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10029. Email:  history@nyam.org.  Telephone: 212-822-7314.


UCL job –  Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Medicine (full-time)

UCL Department of Science and Technology Studies
Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Medicine (full-time)

The Department seeks to appoint a Lecturer in History and Philosophy of Medicine (100% FTE, fulltime). The successful applicant must hold a PhD in an appropriate subject area. They are expected to have an integrated interest in history and philosophy of medicine and health, to be active in research and publication, and to be capable of teaching with an integrated approach to undergraduate and postgraduate students from a wide range of backgrounds. For the purposes of this position, medicine may be construed liberally to include clinical practices, biomedical research, public health, or psychological specialities, but with a strong preference for Western approaches. Health and wellness also are themes within the scope of this position.

For more information and job specification, see:

For enquiries about the substance of the position, contact:
Dr Joe Cain <J.Cain@ucl.ac.uk>
Head of Department and Chair of Search Committee

For enquiries about the application process, contact:
Kate Hickson
Departmental Administrator
020 7679 4371 or <K.Hickson@ucl.ac.uk>

Deadline for receipt of applications: 10 January 2012, midnight (24:00).

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Poste d’assistant-e de recherche (50%), Haute école de santé Arc-Neuchâtel


La Haute école de santé Arc met au concours sur le site de Neuchâtel un poste d’assistant-e de recherche à 50%

  • Vous êtes au bénéfice d’une Licence ou d’un master en sciences sociales, sciences humaines ou sciences infirmières.
  • Vous avez un intérêt prononcé pour la recherche scientifique dans le domaine de l’analyse des interactions et pratiques professionnelles (ethnographie, ethnométhodologie, analyse de conversation, analyse multimodale, linguistique interactionnelle, workplace studies).
  • Vous maîtrisez le français et l’anglais (oral et écrit) et avez de l’aisance dans l’utilisation des outils informatiques et audiovisuels.
  • Vous avez l’esprit d’initiative, le sens de l’organisation et la volonté d’engagement dans un travail d’équipe.

Vos futures fonctions

  • Vous participerez à la réalisation de projets sur les interactions et les pratiques professionnelles d’équipes infirmières en milieu hospitalier. Ces enquêtes ethnographiques accordent une place centrale à la réalisation d’enregistrements audiovisuels de situations de travail et à leur analyse multimodale.
  • Vous assurerez également des tâches administratives et scientifiques nécessaires au fonctionnement général de l’équipe de recherche.
  • En parallèle, vous réaliserez une thèse de doctorat. L’Unité de recherche étant en phase de développement la mise en route de nouveaux projets est attendue pour un avenir proche.

Entrée en fonction:

1er janvier 2012 pour une durée maximale de trois ans.

Salaire: selon l’échelle de salaires de la Haute école Arc (fonction assistant-e de recherche, classe 7).


Les personnes intéressées sont invitées à envoyer un dossier de candidature

  • lettre de motivation avec coordonnées complètes,
  • curriculum vitae,
  • copie des diplômes,
  • relevé de notes,
  • liste de références

en format pdf à Prof. Esther González Martínez, responsable du recrutement  (esther.gonzalezmartinez@he-arc.ch) ainsi qu’à la contacter pour tout renseignement complémentaire.

L’examen des candidatures commencera le 17 octobre 2011 jusqu’à ce que le poste soit repourvu.

Date limite
  • lundi 17 octobre 2011
  • Esther González Martínez
    courriel : esther [point] gonzalezmartinez (at) he-arc [point] ch

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MSc studentships in the History of Medicine Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHSTM)

The University of Manchester

The Centre invites studentship applications for the History of Medicine route in our innovative 1-year MSc programme in the History of Science, Technology and Medicine. The studentship is funded out of our Wellcome Trust Strategic Award and pays fees plus maintenance.

The flexible structure of our MSc course allows students to study a wide range of case studies, from the emergence of professional scientific disciplines such as physics and biology, to the growth of ‘Big Science’ in the Cold war era, to the complex history of the National Health Service.

The course consists of lectures, seminars and tutorials. It combines a general introduction to the history of science, technology and medicine (HSTM) with a range of more specialised studies. Reflecting CHSTM’s established research strengths, these focus on nineteenth- and twentieth-century cases. We particularly stress the integrated understanding of HSTM through consideration of sites, institutions, and schools of thought and practice. We also pay particular attention to how scientists and medics have communicated with non-specialist audiences.

The course promotes transferable skills in research, critical writing, presentation and discussion. Students will gain experience in historical essay-writing before researching and writing an extensive dissertation on a specialised topic, supervised by experienced researchers.

This MSc is appropriate for students from any disciplinary background. It works both as an advanced study course for students with undergraduate experience in HSTM, and as a conversion route for students from other backgrounds (often in the sciences, but also including general history, social policy, and other fields).

For further details on course structure and options, along with information on the further careers of some of our graduates, see http://www.ls.manchester.ac.uk/masterscourses/courses/historyofscitechmed/

We also invite applications from candidates who intend to self-fund.
A 2-year part-time option is also available.

Please contact our MSc course director:
Dr Ian Burney


Emploi – History of medicine Position at Johns Hopkins University

Historian of 20th Century US Medicine

The Institute of the History of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University invites applications for a tenure track position in the history of 20th century US medicine. Applicants with interests in the history of clinical practice, history of disease, public health, race, and gender are particularly encouraged to apply, as are MD/PhDs. The Institute of the History of Medicine is part of the School of Medicine. An ability to interact effectively, not only with undergraduates and graduate students in History of Medicine, but also with medical students and faculty, is desirable. The successful applicant will have a strong research
portfolio and teaching experience.

Founded in 1929, the Institute of the History of Medicine is dedicated to promoting scholarship on the history of medicine, disease, and the health sciences, and their relation to society, and to fostering a lively and collegial intellectual community. In addition, the Institute seeks to bring historical perspectives to bear on contemporary health issues. Faculty members teach graduate and undergraduate courses in the Schools of Medicine, Arts and Sciences, and Public Health. Together with the Department of the History of Science and Technology, located in the School of Arts and Science, the Institute runs a Ph.D. program in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology. The Institute possesses an extensive collection of primary and secondary sources on the history of medicine. The collection is a valuable resource for department faculty and students, and attracts visiting scholars from around the world.

Applications should include statements of the applicant’s research and teaching interests, a CV, and the names of three references. All application materials should be sent to Randall M. Packard, Director, Institute of the History of Medicine, Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, 1900 East Monument St, Baltimore, Maryland, 21205. Applications may be sent electronically to rpackar2@jhmi.edu or by fax to Dr. Packard at 410-502-7592. Review of materials will begin September 15, 2011, for an appointment beginning July 1, 2012. John Hopkins University is an EEO/AA employer.



Contrat post-doctoral – Expertise en santé publique / santé au travail

Contrat post-doctoral CNRS

Laboratoire de rattachement : Groupe de sociologie politique européenne (GSPE, PRISME, UMR 7012, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg)

Poste à pourvoir dans le cadre du programme de recherche INDEX « L’indépendance des experts et ses problèmes dans le champ de la santé publique : expertises en pratique et enjeux de communication » financé par l’ANR, responsable scientifique : Emmanuel Henry (GSPE), partenaires : Claude Gilbert (PACTE) et Jean-Noël Jouzel (CSO)

Contrat à temps plein sur deux ans à partir de septembre 2011.

Lieu de travail : Strasbourg

Niveau de salaire : 2400 euros bruts mensuels environ.

Le post-doctorant, titulaire d’une thèse de sciences sociales (sociologie, science politique, notamment), devra remplir 2 missions correspondant chacune à un mi-temps environ :

1re mission : Organisation et secrétariat scientifique d’un séminaire de recherche et travail éditorial sur le projet de publication qui lui est lié.
Le séminaire rassemble une vingtaine de chercheurs à raison de 2 à 3 séances par an.
En lien avec les responsables du projet et l’équipe administrative de la Misha, le travail consiste à organiser le séminaire sur un plan logistique (missions et organisation sur place), et assurer son suivi scientifique : mise en place et suivi d’outils de mutualisation de documents, relecture et corrections avant diffusion des retranscriptions des échanges, échanges avec les intervenants entre les séances, etc…
Travail d’édition : le séminaire devant déboucher sur une publication collective, le recruté assurera le travail d’édition en lien avec les responsables scientifiques : demandes formulées aux auteurs, corrections et échanges autour des textes, travail de suivi des différentes versions, relectures et corrections, etc.

2e mission : travail de recherche dans le domaine de l’expertise en santé au travail.
Ce travail de recherche portera sur un des thèmes couverts par le projet INDEX dans le domaine de la santé au travail. Il s’agira en lien avec le responsable scientifique de mener une enquête de sociologie qualitative sur l’émergence et la transformation de l’expertise publique dans le domaine de la santé mentale au travail en se centrant sur les exemples français et européens sur la période récente. Le contenu du projet lui-même devra faire l’objet d’une élaboration en commun avec les responsables du programme pour être en cohérence avec les objectifs d’ensemble du programme.

Procédure de recrutement : les candidatures pourront être reçues jusqu’au 15 mai 2011. Elles seront composées d’une lettre de motivation et d’un CV et envoyés à : emmanuel.henry@misha.fr

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Emploi – Post-Doctorat programme BioProperty

The Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) at Oxford is seeking to appoint two postdoctoral research fellows in its new programme BioProperty (‘Biomedical Research and the Future of Property Rights’). The posts are fixed-term for two years from the date of appointment.

BioPropery is funded by a European Research Council (ERC) to investigate the dynamics of property rights in the contemporary life sciences. Central areas of investigation include: modes of collaboration for research and development on neglected diseases; use of patented transgenic animals and materials in scientific research; and the legal and scientific status of stem cell lines. The Research Fellows will work under the supervision of Javier Lezaun.

Applicants should have a PhD (or equivalent) in the social sciences (science studies, anthropology, political science or theory, legal studies, sociology, cultural studies). Experience in designing, organizing and carrying out qualitative/ethnographic fieldwork is essential. Experience researching the social aspects of the life sciences is highly desirable.

Closing date for application: 3 May.

For more information please visit:



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