Health Activism in the Twentieth Century : A History of Medicine Symposium at Yale University

Health Activism in the Twentieth Century : A History of Medicine Symposium at Yale University (date limite 15 mai 2010)

October 22-23, 2010

The Section for the History of Medicine at Yale University and the Department of History at the University of Manitoba invite scholars to  participate in a symposium on health activism in the twentieth century with particular attention to issues of race, gender, sexual orientation and disability. The symposium will be held at Yale. Papers are welcomed dealing with this topic in any country. This small symposium will consist of three moderated panel sessions where the majority of the audience will be presenters.

Potential participants must submit an abstract of 300 words by May 15, 2010.

We especially invite papers focused on :

>  Health workers and patients as political agents

>  Fundraising and models of charity  in health activism

> Inequality and discrimination within medical and health-related organizations

> Ideas that have driven health activism (such as social justice,  human  rights, fiscal conservatism and family values )

> Comparisons of health-related movements with other social  movements,  especially their reliance on specialized scientific knowledge.

Papers will be pre-circulated to symposium participants in advance.

> > Interested scholars should submit the following :  (1) Applicants name, institutional affiliation and contact details (2) A 300 word abstract (3) A one-page CV

Submissions should be emailed to :

> > Abstracts are due on May 15, 2010.

> Successful applicants will be informed that their paper has been  accepted by June 15, 2010.  Completed papers must be submitted by October 1, 2010 so that they can be circulated and read by all symposium participants.
