Parution – Social history of medicine

Parution – Social history of medicine

Social history of medicine, Volume 23, Number 2, August 2010

Philip Rieder
Miracles and Heretics: Protestants and Catholic Healing Practices in and around Geneva 1530–1750
Pierre-Yves Donzé
Studies Abroad by Japanese Doctors: A Prosopographic Analysis of the Nameless Practitioners, 1862–1912
Neil Carter
The Rise and Fall of the Magic Sponge: Medicine and the Transformation of the Football Trainer

Vanessa Heggie
A Century of Cardiomythology: Exercise and the Heart c.1880–1980
Social History of Medicine Advance Access published on November 24, 2009
Soc Hist Med 2010 23: 280-298; doi:10.1093/shm/hkp063 [Abstract] [FREE Full Text] [PDF] Creative Commons License OPEN ACCESS

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