PhD course – Body images – gender inside/outside

PhD course – Body images – gender inside/outside

PhD course for students of Nordic and French university programmes at the Norwegian University Centre in Paris, April 11 -13, 2011

The last few decades have witnessed rapid developments and innovations in visualization techniques. This is the case for a wide variety of visualization genres, whether in scientific fields, in the fashion industry or in the arts. There are, however, overlaps of style as well as techniques between different genres. As Lisa Cartwright notes, there is a symbiotic relationship between scientific and popular imaging technologies. In a similar vein, we find an interaction between art and science in the genre known as bio-art.

In this PhD course we will explore images of relevance to the study of gendered bodies. This study will focus primarily on new photographic techniques but will also engage with theoretical perspectives from Art and Media Studies.

This is an interdisciplinary course, which is open to PhD students who are using gender perspectives in their research. The concept of “body images” is to be understood in a broad sense, as transcending the categories of art and science, including art history. The course lecturers cover a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, including media studies, science and technology studies and gender research. All lectures and discussions will be held in English.

The course is aimed at PhD students from Nordic and French universities and is aimed at promoting intercultural exchange. There is no course fee. Nordic students must cover their own travel and accommodation costs. Students from France may apply for reimbursement of costs. The conference organizers will make the hotel bookings for all participants.

Applicants are asked to send a brief outline of their PhD project in English (1-3 pages).

Credit points: The course gives 7.5 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits. In order to obtain the credits, students must cover the reading list (around 1000 pages) and produce an essay, which is to be submitted after the course. It is the students’ responsibility to apply to their universities or related educational bodies to get the credits recognized as part of their PhD studies. The course organizers will provide certification that the course has been completed and that the essay requirement has been  fulfilled.

Essay: For the essay, the student is required to apply the themes and literature covered in the course to his or her PhD topic. The essay should be submitted by 15 June 2011. Length: 15 pages.

Course organizers are professor Merete Lie, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies of Culture, and Associate Professor Aud Sissel Hoel, Department of Art and Media Studies, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Please send your application before February 1, 2011 to:

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