Séminaire – Philosophie et immunologie

Séminaire - Philosophie et immunologie 

 La prochaine séance aura lieu le lundi 29 novembre, de 12h à 13h30, à l'IHPST.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que notre invité sera :

David Napier (Prof. University College London, Dpt Anthropologie),

Non-self Help: How Immunology Might Reframe the Enlightenment


The classical immunological paradigm is predicated upon the body’s ability to recognize and eliminate  "non-self".  
However, the “self/non-self” model has yet to facilitate any resolution of the field’s major concerns, and may thus prove to be of limited use. 
Merely discarding it is no solution, as the juxtaposition of “self” and “non-self” persists in research practice, in clinical settings, 
and in everyday practice despite the best efforts of theoretical immunologists.  Instead, the very conception of “selfhood” may prove to be key. 
Replacing immunology’s prior and persistent “self” with less static concepts derived from non-Western contexts not only resolves immunology’s 
famous paradoxes, but offers a new and more accurate model that allows immunology to reframe what may become an outmoded Enlightenment construct
 of “self”. In such a new paradigm, immunology’s well-known system of protection and defense is replaced with a view in which non-self becomes
 not only the body’s enemy, but its primary mechanism for the creative assimilation of difference. This incorporative model both resolves 
outstanding paradoxes, and complies more accurately with contemporary knowledge and research practice. In so doing it serves as a mechanism 
for advancing a more consistent understanding of difference in research, in medical practice, and in treatment.

Lieu : IHPST, Grande salle,
13 rue du Four
2e étage
75006 Paris
(M°Mabillon ou Saint-Germain) 

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