novembre 2010

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Appel à contributions – 1st Global Conference Queer Sexualities

Avant le 26 novembre – Varsovie (Pologne)

Friday 13th May 2011 ? Sunday 15th May 2011 Warsaw, Poland

Call for Papers :

20 years since the reclamation of the word ?queer ? by the LGBTQ community this conference would like to take a closer look at broad themes of queer sexualities through time and space, non-normative sexual constructions and queer sexual identities from a diverse range of perspectives by scholars working in various academic disciplines. Yet our meaning of the word queer is not limited to the non-mainstream sexuality as we opt for inclusion of ?unusual ? heterosexual practices into the ?queer domain ? in order not to discriminate but understand, include and accept.

Papers, reports, work-in-progress and workshops are invited on issues related to the following themes :
. the role of historical forces in shaping queer sexuality(ies)
. historiography of queer sexualities
. the politics of queer sexualities
. queertopias and the politics of gender
. queer identities/sexualities in literature and art
. queer sexualities and the body ? literary and non-literary . representations and resistances of non-normative corporeality
. beyond queer sex and sexuality
. queerotica vs. queerporn
. queer sexualities and performativity
. queer sexualities and age
. queer sexualities and theory (queer theory, straight queer theory, sexuality studies, disability studies, feminist perspective, fat studies etc 😉

The Steering Group particularly welcomes the submission of pre-formed panel proposals. Papers will also be considered on any related theme. 300 word abstracts should be submitted by Friday 26th November 2010. If an abstract is accepted for the conference, a full draft paper should be submitted by Friday 1st April 2011.

300 word abstracts should be submitted simultaneously to both Organising Chairs ; abstracts may be in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats with the following information and in this order :

a) author(s), b) affiliation, c) email address, d) title of abstract, e) body of abstract.

E-mails should be entitled : QS1 Abstract Submission.

Please use plain text (Times Roman 12) and abstain from using footnotes and any special formatting, characters or emphasis (such as bold, italics or underline). We acknowledge receipt and answer to all paper proposals submitted. If you do not receive a reply from us in a week you should assume we did not receive your proposal ; it might be lost in cyberspace ! We suggest, then, to look for an alternative electronic route or resend.

Pour plus d’informations

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Parution – Amours vénales. La prostitution en Occident, 12e-16e siècle

Rossiaud Jacques, Amours vénales. La prostitution en Occident, 12e-16e siècle, Aubier, 2010, 383 p.

Après«La prostitution médiévale», l’historien J. Rossiaud revient sur le sujet à la lumière des nouveaux apports de la recherche. Dans un vaste cadre chronologique et géographique, une approche des formes multiples de la prostitution constitue selon l’auteur un moyen de compréhension privilégié du monde médiéval.

« Chasse les prostituées, aussitôt les passions troubleront tout  » : le second Moyen Âge semble une méditation sur ces paroles de saint Augustin. Ribaudes et grandes courtisanes, ruffians et maquerelles, étuves privées et bordels publics : le monde des amours vénales, bien visible, marquait alors les sociétés occidentales de son omniprésence. Vingt ans après son ouvrage fondateur, la Prostitution médiévale (Flammarion, 1988). Jacques Rossiaud renouvelle ses analyses à la lumière de la recherche récente. En une synthèse magistrale. il brosse le tableau non plus de la. mais des prostitutions au Moyen Âge, mettant en évidence la complexité des pratiques qui relèvent de la vénalité, et la multiplicité des consonances sociales que celle-ci revêt.

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Parution – Perspectives in biology and medicine

Perspectives in Biology and MedicinePerspectives in biology and medicine, vol 53, n°4, automne 2010.

    Science and Medicine

    Embryology and Disorders of Sexual Development – Thomas A. Marino
      From Insulin and Insulin-Like Activity to the Insulin Superfamily of Growth-Promoting Peptides: A 20th-Century Odyssey – Stanley Blumenthal

        Ethics and Philosophy

        Semiotics and the Placebo Effect – Franklin G. Miller – Luana Colloca
          Ethical Issues in Translational Research – Carlo Petrini
            Financial Conflicts of Interest and the Ethical Obligations of Medical School Faculty and the Profession – Kirsten Austad – David H. Brendel – Rebecca W. Brendel
              The Philosophical « Mind-Body Problem » and Its Relevance for the Relationship Between Psychiatry and the Neurosciences – Lukas Van Oudenhove – Stefaan E. Cuypers

                History and Biography

                Oswald T. Avery: Nobel Laureate or Noble Luminary? – Frank Portugal
                  Reflections on Basic Science – Joram Piatigorsky

                    Medical Education and Practice

                    Chaos, Fractals, and Our Concept of Disease – Manuel Varela – Raul Ruiz-Esteban – Maria Jose Mestre De Juan

                      Culture and Society

                      Psychoanalysis and Detective Fiction: a tale of Freud and criminal storytelling – Amy Yang

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                      Parution – Bulletin of the history of medicine

                      Bulletin of the History of MedicineBulletin of the history of medicine, Volume 84, Number 3, Fall 2010
                      – Presidential Address: The Origins and Evolution of the Mayo Clinic from 1864 to 1939: A Minnesota Family Practice Becomes an International « Medical Mecca » – W. Bruce Fye
                      – Stomach and Psyche: Eating, Digestion, and Mental Illness in the Medicine of Philippe Pinel – Elizabeth A. Williams
                      – « Living versus Dead »: The Pasteurian Paradigm and Imperial Vaccine Research – Pratik Chakrabarti
                      – Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt? Experts, Lay Knowledge, and the Role of Radiography in the Diagnosis of Silicosis in Britain, c. 1919–1945 – Joseph Melling

                      AAHM Report

                      American Association for the History of Medicine: Report of the Eighty-Third Annual Meeting – Christopher W. Crenner

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