Parution- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy

Parution- Journal of Medicine and Philosophy

Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Volume 36, Issue 1, February 2011

Laurence B. Mccullough
Arboriculture in Clinical Ethics: Using Philosophical Critical Appraisal to Clear Away Underbrush in Ethical Analysis and Argument

Russell Powell and Allen Buchanan
Breaking Evolution’s Chains: The Prospect of Deliberate Genetic Modification in Humans

Joseph Clint Parker
Conscience and Collective Duties: Do Medical Professionals Have a Collective Duty to Ensure That Their Profession Provides Non-discriminatory Access to All Medical Services?

Robert F. Card
Conscientious Objection, Emergency Contraception, and Public Policy

Franklin G. Miller and Howard Brody
Understanding and Harnessing Placebo Effects: Clearing Away the Underbrush

Trisha Phillips
From the Ideal Market to the Ideal Clinic: Constructing a Normative Standard of Fairness for Human Subjects Research

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