Appel à contribution – Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease

The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, America’s oldest continuously published independent monthly journal in the field, will celebrate its 200th volume in 2012. Editor-in-Chief John A. Talbott, M.D., has announced that the anniversary issue will be dedicated to the history of psychiatry and neurology and has asked that submissions of papers of a historical nature (especially subjects from 1974 to the present) be sent to him online at <>. The deadline for these review articles, which should be between 4,400 and 8,800 words, is December 1.


Journée d’étude – Narratives of illness : practices and practitioners
Wednesday 18 May 2011

University of Glamorgan, Treforest Campus, Hirwuan Building, Room H14

This event takes an interdisciplinary approach to illness narratives, focuses on the experiences of families and carers as well as patients, and looks in particular at how people react to and deal with their encounters with medical institutions such as hospitals by turning them into stories. More specifically, the colloquium focuses on some of the ways in which narratives and storytelling are used by medical practitioners and those working with patients and their families. To that end, it consists of a series of papers around the theme of how practitioners, patients and families can employ such stories as a means of making sense of illness and illness-related experiences. These papers will be combined with plentiful opportunities for those present to ask questions and to discuss the practical implications of this type of work.


13:00: Introduction and Welcome from Dr Martin Willis, Co-Director of the Off Sick Project

13:15: Dr Rhys Thomas, Clinical Research Fellow in Neurology at Swansea University.
Rhys will start things off by discussing art and epilepsy. It has been suggested that epilepsy (which can add thoughts, movements and visions) may help the creative process. While reviewing the lives and paintings of artists with epilepsy he will assess the impact of seizures for established and contemporary artists.

14.00: Dr Rachel Iredale, Senior Research Fellow in Medical Genetics at Cardiff University.
Rachel will be talking about the StoryBank. This is an online collection of stories about cancer genetics. It was developed in direct response to feedback from patients at the Cancer Genetics Service for Wales (CGSW), an all-Wales service for anyone with a family history of cancer. The StoryBank consists of digital stories from patients covering topics such as living with the risk of cancer, compiling a family tree, telling a family member about a cancer diagnosis and making decisions about surgery and screening. See

15.45: Refreshments

15.30: Karen Lewis, Project Leader of Storyworks at the University of Glamorgan.
To round off the programme, Karen will discuss her work using stories (including digital stories) from patients, carers and service users across the public services. For more information on what Karen and her team do, and the kinds of public health organisations that she works with, see

16.15: Question and Answer Session

Book Your Place Now

This is a free event and open to participants from all disciplines and backgrounds. Please note that spaces are limited, so if you would like to attend, please contact Dr Richard Marsden via email or by post: Room FH415, Ferndale Building, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, CF37 1DL

Off Sick Project web page:
Off Sick: Twitter site:
Off Sick Facebook group:

Contact details:
Cardiff School of History, Archaeology & Religion, Cardiff University
Humanities Building, Colum Drive, Cardiff CF10 3EU
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)29 20876103
Web page:

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Séminaire – IUHMSP

Nous vous prions de prendre note que la séance du 21 avril 2011 du séminaire « Clinique, neurosciences, sciences humaines et sociales » a été déplacée au jeudi 5 mai 2011.

Nous vous rappelons les prochains séminaires à l’IUHMSP:

  • jeudi 14 avril 2011
    15h00 – 18h00,
    à la bibliothèque de l’IUHMSP
    dans le cadre du séminaire de recherche en histoire et études sociales de la médecine:

    – Piergiuseppe Esposito (Faculté des lettres, UNIL): « Le développement du tourisme médical en Suisse romande: acteurs, lieux et enjeux (1815-1914) »
    – Pierre-Yves Donzé (Université d’Osaka, Graduate School of Economics): « Innovations technologiques et globalisation des systèmes de soins: réflexions sur l’histoire économique de la médecine contemporaine (1800-2000) »

  • jeudi 5 mai 2011 (au lieu du 21 avril 2011)
    10h30-12h30, à la bibliothèque de l’IUHMSP
    dans le cadre du séminaire « Clinique, neurosciences, sciences humaines et sociales »:

    Delphine Preissmann (FBM et SSP) et Nicholas Stücklin (SSP): « Modèles animaux et recherche translationnelle en psychiatrie »

Institut universitaire d’histoire
de la médecine et de la santé publique
Falaises 1
CH-1005 Lausanne
Tél : 021/314.70.50
Fax : 021/314.70.55

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Parution – Nouvelles questions féministes


Nouvelles questions féministes, vol. 30, n°1, 2011, La production d’enfants

Coordination : Françoise Messant, Marianne Modak, Anne-Françoise Praz

Anne-Françoise Praz, Marianne Modak, Françoise Messant
« Produire des enfants » aujourd’hui : un défi pour l’analyse féministe

Grand Angle
Laure Moguérou, Nathalie Bajos, Michèle Ferrand
Les maternités dites tardives en France : Enjeu de santé publique ou dissidence sociale ?

Fenneke Reysoo, Pien Bos
N’est pas mère qui veut. Le paradoxe de l’adoption internationale
Hélène Joly
L’injonction à l’homoparentalité, cache-sexe de l’éros lesbien

Priscille Touraille
Du désir de procréer : des cultures plus naturalistes que la Nature ?

Champ libre
Mascha Madörin
Maternité et rapports intergénérationnels en Suisse : un essai d’économie féministe
Traduction : Natalie Benelli

Françoise Armengaud
À la mémoire de Michèle Causse, une grande figure du lesbianisme politique

Marianne Modak, Françoise Messant
Entretien avec Karine Clerc, travailleuse sociale de proximité.


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Parution – Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences



Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences, avril 2011, vol. 66, n°2


Noémi Tousignant
The Rise and Fall of the Dolorimeter: Pain, Analgesics, and the Management of Subjectivity in Mid-twentieth-Century United States

Stephen T. Casper
Trust, Protocol, Gender, and Power in Interwar British Biomedical Research: Kathleen Chevassut and the “Germ” of Multiple Sclerosis

Sean Dyde
The Chief Seat of Mischief: Soldier’s Heart in the First World War


Parution – Research on aging

Research on aging, mai 2011, vol. 33, n°3
Debra Parker Oliver

The Effect of Productive Activities on Depressive Symptoms Among Older Adults With Dual Sensory Loss
Michele Capella McDonnall

The Changing Roles of Disability, Veteran, and Socioeconomic Status in Elderly Interstate Migration
Karen Smith Conway and Jonathan C. Rork

BMI Trajectories During the Transition to Older Adulthood: Persistent, Widening, or Diminishing Disparities by Ethnicity and Education?
Katrina M. Walsemann and Jennifer A. Ailshire

Age-related Changes in Biomarkers: Longitudinal Data From a Population-based Sample
Dana A. Glei, Noreen Goldman, Yu-Hsuan Lin, and Maxine Weinstein

The Long Arm of Offspring: Adult Children’s Troubles as Teenagers and Elderly Parents’ Mental Health
Melissa A. Milkie, Dawn R. Norris, and Alex Bierman

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Parution – Sexualities 

Sexualities, avril 2010, vol. 14, n°2.


Pain as culture: A postcolonial feminist approach to S/M and women’s agency
Maneesha Deckha

BDSM as therapy?
Danielle Lindemann

Queering the birthing space: Phenomenological interpretations of the relationships between lesbian couples and perinatal nurses in the context of birthing care
Lisa Goldberg, Ami Harbin, and Sue Campbell

Circuits of power, circuits of pleasure: Sexual scripting in gay men’s bottom narratives
Trevor Hoppe

Love, lust and the Irish: Exploring intimate lives through Angela Macnamara’s problem page, 1963-1980
Paul Ryan

A good man is impossible to find: Brokeback Mountain as heteronormative tragedy
Sheila J. Nayar

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Bourse – Travel Fellowship in the History of the Academic Health Center & Health Sciences


University of Minnesota, 2010-2011

Purpose: The Travel Fellowship in the History of the Academic Health Center & Health Sciences at the University of Minnesota is intended to promote research on post-World War II developments in academic health centers and health science research using the University of Minnesota Archives. The University of Minnesota Program in the History of Medicine in conjunction with the Academic Health Center History Project ( will offer up to two fellowships per year to interested scholars whose research is well suited to the health science and administrative collections in the University Archives. Where possible, preference will be given to early career scholars: graduate students in the research stage of their dissertation and recent Ph.D.s.

University of Minnesota Archives Holdings: The University of Minnesota Archives house numerous collections related to the history of the Academic Health Center (AHC), its forerunning administrative configuration the College of Medical Sciences, and the records of the six schools and colleges that comprise the Academic Health Center: medicine, nursing, public health, pharmacy, dentistry, and veterinary medicine. The Archives also house collections pertaining to interdisciplinary centers within the Academic Health Center and oral histories and personal papers of prominent faculty and administrators.

Finding aids for many of the collections at the University Archives can be found at Digital documents related to the AHC and University administration are available through the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy at . Applicants are encouraged to contact AHC Archivist Erik Moore at to discuss the collections before applying.

Application and Expectations: Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae, names and contact information of two referees, a brief proposal of no more than two pages, and a one-page proposed budget. The one- to two-page proposal should outline clearly the purpose of the research and its central questions, what records or materials will be used, any bigger project of which this research is a part, and the intended product(s) such as a dissertation, publications, or documentaries.
Selection of fellows will be based on the decision of a multi-disciplinary committee.

Fellowship recipients will be required to submit a short report on their research and asked to present their work in progress with interested faculty, staff, and students while visiting at the University. Recipients are also required to supply the University Libraries with a copy of any publication resulting from research conducted as a result of the grant.

Duration and Support: The fellowship covers a flexible visit of between one to four weeks. The amount of the fellowship is up to $1,000.00 to support expenses related to travel, lodging, research costs, and other incidental expenses. The fellowship is available for a single, continuous research trip between the dates July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012.


Deadline for applications is June 1, 2011. Candidates will be informed of the results by June 30 and the fellowship will be available immediately.

Applications should be submitted via email. Be sure that your last name appears in the filename of each document. Send applications to:

Dr. Mary Thomas, Program in the History of Medicine, University of Minnesota, (612-624-4416).

If you have any questions about the travel grant, please contact Dominique Tobbell at (612-626-5114), or speak to her at the upcoming meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine.


Contrat post-doctoral – Expertise en santé publique / santé au travail

Contrat post-doctoral CNRS

Laboratoire de rattachement : Groupe de sociologie politique européenne (GSPE, PRISME, UMR 7012, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg)

Poste à pourvoir dans le cadre du programme de recherche INDEX « L’indépendance des experts et ses problèmes dans le champ de la santé publique : expertises en pratique et enjeux de communication » financé par l’ANR, responsable scientifique : Emmanuel Henry (GSPE), partenaires : Claude Gilbert (PACTE) et Jean-Noël Jouzel (CSO)

Contrat à temps plein sur deux ans à partir de septembre 2011.

Lieu de travail : Strasbourg

Niveau de salaire : 2400 euros bruts mensuels environ.

Le post-doctorant, titulaire d’une thèse de sciences sociales (sociologie, science politique, notamment), devra remplir 2 missions correspondant chacune à un mi-temps environ :

1re mission : Organisation et secrétariat scientifique d’un séminaire de recherche et travail éditorial sur le projet de publication qui lui est lié.
Le séminaire rassemble une vingtaine de chercheurs à raison de 2 à 3 séances par an.
En lien avec les responsables du projet et l’équipe administrative de la Misha, le travail consiste à organiser le séminaire sur un plan logistique (missions et organisation sur place), et assurer son suivi scientifique : mise en place et suivi d’outils de mutualisation de documents, relecture et corrections avant diffusion des retranscriptions des échanges, échanges avec les intervenants entre les séances, etc…
Travail d’édition : le séminaire devant déboucher sur une publication collective, le recruté assurera le travail d’édition en lien avec les responsables scientifiques : demandes formulées aux auteurs, corrections et échanges autour des textes, travail de suivi des différentes versions, relectures et corrections, etc.

2e mission : travail de recherche dans le domaine de l’expertise en santé au travail.
Ce travail de recherche portera sur un des thèmes couverts par le projet INDEX dans le domaine de la santé au travail. Il s’agira en lien avec le responsable scientifique de mener une enquête de sociologie qualitative sur l’émergence et la transformation de l’expertise publique dans le domaine de la santé mentale au travail en se centrant sur les exemples français et européens sur la période récente. Le contenu du projet lui-même devra faire l’objet d’une élaboration en commun avec les responsables du programme pour être en cohérence avec les objectifs d’ensemble du programme.

Procédure de recrutement : les candidatures pourront être reçues jusqu’au 15 mai 2011. Elles seront composées d’une lettre de motivation et d’un CV et envoyés à :

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Emploi – Post-Doctorat programme BioProperty

The Institute for Science, Innovation and Society (InSIS) at Oxford is seeking to appoint two postdoctoral research fellows in its new programme BioProperty (‘Biomedical Research and the Future of Property Rights’). The posts are fixed-term for two years from the date of appointment.

BioPropery is funded by a European Research Council (ERC) to investigate the dynamics of property rights in the contemporary life sciences. Central areas of investigation include: modes of collaboration for research and development on neglected diseases; use of patented transgenic animals and materials in scientific research; and the legal and scientific status of stem cell lines. The Research Fellows will work under the supervision of Javier Lezaun.

Applicants should have a PhD (or equivalent) in the social sciences (science studies, anthropology, political science or theory, legal studies, sociology, cultural studies). Experience in designing, organizing and carrying out qualitative/ethnographic fieldwork is essential. Experience researching the social aspects of the life sciences is highly desirable.

Closing date for application: 3 May.

For more information please visit:


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