Journée d’étude – Démographie et économie de la santé

Jeudi 07 avril 2011  |  Paris (75003)

Comme tous les ans, le Collège des économistes de la santé (CES) organise, avant son assemblée générale annuelle, une conférence pluridisciplinaire. La conférence « démographie et économie de la santé » se tiendra le jeudi 7 avril 2011 à partir de 14 h au CNAM.

Programme de la journée



Aline DESESQUELLES, Démographe, INED
Didier BLANCHET, Chef du département des études économiques d’ensemble, INSEE

Brigitte DORMONT, Professeure de sciences économiques, LEGOS, Chaire Santé de la Fondation du Risque, Université Paris Dauphine.
Emmanuelle CAMBOIS, Démographe, Institut National d’Etudes Démographiques
16h00 – 16h15 : pause café


Bruno VENTELOU, Economiste, Chargé de recherche, INSERM U912 – CNRS Greqam/IDEP
en attente, DREES


Paris (75003) (292 rue Saint-Martin (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers))

Thomas Barnay
courriel : th.barnay [tiret] ces (at) orange [point] fr


Parution – Dementia
Dementia, February 2011, Vol. 10, No. 1
The Journal’s 10 year Anniversary – Looking back and moving forward
Phyllis Braudy Harris and John Keady

Expectations and experience of moving to a care home: Perceptions of older people with dementia
Nwe Winn Thein, Geraldine D’Souza, and Bart Sheehan

The state and context of evidence production and knowledge translation in the rehabilitation of people with Alzheimer’s Disease
Thilo Kroll and Ursula Naue

Exploring positioning in Alzheimer Disease through analyses of family talk
Barbara A. Purves

Spiritual nurturance and support for nursing home residents with dementia
Bethel Ann Powers and Nancy M. Watson

Flourishing of the self while caregiving for a person with Dementia: A case study of education, counseling, and psychosocial support via email
Steven R. Sabat

Finding the key to communion – Caregivers’ experience of ‘music therapeutic caregiving’ in dementia care: A qualitative analysis
Lena Marmstål Hammar, Azita Emami, Gabriella Engström, and Eva Götell

How to evaluate quality of care from the perspective of people with dementia: An overview of the literature
Angela van Baalen, Ad J.J.M. Vingerhoets, Herman J. Sixma, and Jacomine de Lange


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Appel à contribution –  Medical History of WWI

San Antonio, Texas, US, 23-25 February 2012
Deadline: 1 September 2011

Over 23-25 February 2012, the U.S. Army Medical Department Center of History and Heritage will co-sponsor a conference with the Western Front Association (USA) on the medical history of WWI. It will be hosted at the Army Medical Department Museum in San Antonio, Texas.We will generally be allotting 50 minutes per paper, including Q&A, but panels on closely-related topics are welcome, as are shorter and more tightly-focused papers. Presentations on all facets of medicine and the war are sought, including consideration of the repercussions of the war on the practice of medicine.

Please send a short précis and curriculum vitae for consideration.
Please advise how long a block of time you wish.
Conference website:

Contact: Dr Sanders Marble, Office of Medical History, US Army,


Parution – L’homme augmenté. Néotechnologies pour un dépassement du corps et de la pensée


Bernard Claverie, L’homme augmenté. Néotechnologies pour un dépassement du corps et de la pensée, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2010, 136 p.

Psychologue, physiologiste, Bernard Claverie dirige l’École Nationale Supérieure de Cognitique, école d’ingénieurs interne à l’Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux. Il est cofondateur de l’ENSC, du laboratoire commun HEAL (Human Engineering for Aerospace Lab. – Thales/ENSC) et du pôle Sud-Ouest de l’Institut des sciences de la communication du CNRS (ISCC).

L’homme contemporain vit dans un flot d’informations qui le rendent dépendant des nouvelles technologies. Ces néotechnologies, elles-mêmes émergeant de secteurs spécifiques plus traditionnels, et qui ont réussi à briser les frontières disciplinaires pour créer les conditions de l’innovation moderne, rencontrent aujourd’hui une nécessité de convergence pour de grands enjeux de demain. Parmi eux, le projet d’un homme augmenté permet d’espérer une rencontre des technologies du numérique et de celles des nanomondes pour un dépassement des limites biologiques du corps et de la pensée. Ce projet tend à réorganiser la recherche et la valorisation pour peu qu’il s’inscrive, au-delà de l’économie et de la création de richesses, dans l’équilibre fragile entre précaution et proactivité, prudence et liberté d’innovation, contraintes techniques et libertés individuelles. Cet ouvrage présente une forme d’actualité des enjeux à la fois technologiques, idéologiques et humains, pour comprendre les augmentations des capacités corporelles et celles d’une cognition devenant hybride dans des espaces d’information, de communication et, espérons-le, de culture, de liberté et de bien-être augmentés.



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Appel à contribution – Alchemy and Medicine from Antiquity to the Enlightenment

22-24 September 2011

CRASSH and the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge

Alchemists pursued many goals, from the transmutation of metals to the preservation of health and life. These pursuits were continually informed and modified by medical knowledge, while alchemical debates about nature, generation, and the achievability of perfection in turn impacted on medicine and natural philosophy. Alchemical texts circulated in print and manuscript; in courts, in households, and in the marketplace, both reflecting and contributing to debates about the body and the natural world. Alchemy was studied by physicians, clerics, natural philosophers, merchants, artisans and aristocrats; some drawn toward theoretical speculation, others towards empirical practice.

This three-day international conference, held at Peterhouse, Cambridge, will investigate these interactions, from alchemy’s development in late antiquity to its decline throughout the eighteenth century. It will ask how alchemical and medical ideas changed over time, how they reflected the experience of individual readers and practitioners, and the extent to which they responded to significant currents in intellectual, political, religious, and social life.

Plenary speakers include:

£ Chiara Crisciani (Università degli Studi di Pavia)
£ Andrew Cunningham (University of Cambridge)
£ Hiro Hirai (Radboud University Nijmegen)
£ Didier Kahn (CNRS, Paris)
£ Bruce T. Moran (University of Nevada at Reno)
£ William R. Newman (Indiana University)
£ Michela Pereira (Università di Siena)
£ Lawrence M. Principe (JohnsHopkins University)
£ Nancy Siraisi (City University of New York)
£ Emma Spary (University of Cambridge)

Proposals for 20 minute papers are welcomed, and the participation of postgraduate students and junior researchers is particularly encouraged (with student bursaries available). Topics might include, but are not limited, to:

£ Transmission of alchemical and medical knowledge
£ Elixirs and the prolongation of life
£ Impact of alchemical remedies on medical practice
£ Paracelsus, Van Helmont and their followers
£ Shared ingredients, methods and apparatus
£ Medical practitioners as alchemists
£ Use of medical concepts in alchemy
£ Medicine, alchemy and patronage
£ Iatrochemistry vs. medical orthodoxy
£ Charlatanry and fraud
£ Books, recipes, and secrets

The language of the conference is English. Abstracts of 200-300 words, accompanied by a one-page CV, should be sent to Jennifer Rampling ( by 1 May 2011.

Organised by Jennifer Rampling, Peter M. Jones and Lauren Kassell (Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge), and supported by the Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CRASSH).



Jean-Louis Fischer, Patrick Triadou et Jean-François Ternay


Le jeudi de 17h à 19h, MNHN, Pavillon Chevreul, 57 rue Cuvier, 75005, Paris



Juliette GUIBERT (Institut Mutualiste Montsouris) interviendra sur les  Représentations de l’embryon et du foetus dans la démarche AMP.

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Séminaire – La question de la preuve et de la décision en épidémiologie / santé publique


Prochaine séance du cycle de séminaires 2010/2011 du département Infection et épidémiologie :

« La question de la preuve et de la décision en épidémiologie / santé publique »

Jeudi 24 mars 2011 à 14 h

Le risque de cancer entre épidémiologie, toxicologie, médecine vétérinaire et expertise publique : l’affaire distilbène aux Etats-Unis 1965-1985.

Jean-Paul Gaudillière (Cermes-Inserm)

Lieu : Institut Pasteur
25 rue du Dr Roux 75015 Paris
Bâtiment Fernbach, salle Aubert
Ces conférences sont ouvertes à tous.
Accès libre mais se munir d’une pièce d’identité pour l’entrée sur le campus de l’Institut Pasteur


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Appel à contribution –  International Seminar : New Approaches to Urban Health and Mortality During the Health Transition

Sevilla, Spain, 14-17 December 2011

This seminar is organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography with the support of the Institute of Statistics of Andalucía and the Center for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The organizers strongly encourage the submission of papers shedding light on a range of urban population mortality experiences and health related behaviours that make use of individual micro-level longitudinal data.

New longitudinal data sets have been recently collected in different countries across the world by several research teams. Some are even trying to link longitudinal historical databases with contemporary data, to analyse phenomena such as the intergenerational inheritance of certain demographic behaviours.This data offers new perspectives on the understanding of health and mortality transitions. The urban environment is the most difficult to study because the sources are particularly massive, individuals and families highly mobile, and confounding effects, for example the confusion between places and classes, are especially frequent.

However, during transitional periods, cities become the cradle and grave of the majority of the population. Urban populations are the most exposed to old and new diseases, which often exact a terrible cost as part of the entrance to modernity—the so-called “paradox of growth”. But urban populations also benefit from inherited institutions that have to be adapted to face terrible challenges, making cities the source of a new, more positive, modernization. Previous studies have essentially concentrated on the negative health aspects of urbanization, completely ignoring positive aspects such as better access to social services and medical resources. These studies adopted a static approach, failing to consider the processes of urban transformation.

This seminar seeks contributions from researchers using individual micro-level longitudinal data to shed light on a range of urban population mortality experiences and health related behaviours. Issues the seminar plans to address include: Which are the individual and family trajectories leading to survival or death? What are the interactions between those trajectories and institutional activities and policies? How do these interactions explain the transition from urban over-mortality to urban under-mortality?

Submissions should be made by May 1st, 2011. Submissions must include name, contact details and affiliation of the author(s), a provisional title, and a 300-word abstract.

Submission should be made by the author who will attend the seminar.

The working language at the seminar will be English. The half page summary and final papers should therefore be submitted and presented in English.

Lodging in Sevilla will be offered as well as lunches and dinners during the workshop. Participants are expected to cover their travel costs to attend the seminar. Limited travel supports will however be made available to young researchers and/or researchers from Least Developed Countries.

Applicants will be notified whether their paper has been accepted by 1 June 2011.

The completed paper must be uploaded on the IUSSP website by 20 November 2011.

For additional information, please contact one of the following Panel members:

Diego Ramiro Fariñas (
Lucia Pozzi (
Michel Oris (

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Appel à contribution – Mapping global health

Proposed session(s) for 4S 2011

We are looking for proposals for an interdisciplinary panel (or stream of panels) for the annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science in Cleveland this November.

« Global Health » is an increasingly prominent field that motivates scientific research, philanthropy, international organizations, and university programs. Despite the enormous attention the field is generating, it is not entirely clear what makes it distinct from older schemas such as of international health, tropical medicine, or public health. In this panel, we hope to map the varied material, political, and ethical formations that are increasingly associated with global health. We are especially interested in the practices and technologies of knowledge-making, and how they might make global health distinct from older paradigms of collective health. Some questions that we hope to address include:

-What are new and old forms of expertise that are associated with global health?
-Are there emerging technologies and epistemic frameworks that constitute ‘the global’ and ‘health’ in distinct ways?
-Is global health creating new ethical and political relationships between individual human beings and collectivities?

We welcome abstracts on these and other related questions. We are equally interested in scholars working on particular local and national settings and those who are focused on explicitly ‘global’ projects.

Deadline for submitting abstracts: March 10, 2011. Please email abstracts to <> .

Co-organizers: Manjari Mahajan (New School University); Jeremy Greene (Harvard University); Tobias Rees (McGill University); and Andrew Lakoff (University of Southern California).

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Journée d’étude – Biologie, sciences du vivant et critique féministe des sciences

Journée en hommage à Hélène Rouch


vendredi 1er avril 2011 de 9h30 à 18h30

Université Paris Diderot-Paris 7

Amphi Buffon, RDC 15 rue Hélène Brion 75013 Paris *


9h15 Accueil

9h30 : Ouverture : Catherine Bernard, Pr. littérature britannique et histoire de l’art, Directrice de Cabinet Présidence Université Paris Diderot Paris 7

9h45 : Introduction : Dominique Fougeyrollas-Schwebel, Sociologue, CNRS-IRISSO-Université Dauphine

10h : La pluridisciplinarité de la critique féministe des sciences

Présidente : Martine Menès, Psychanalyste

Rosi Braidotti, Philosophe, Pr. Director Centre for the Humanities, Utrecht University,

Matérialismes corporels de l’épistémologie féministe

Priscille Touraille, Socio-Anthropologue, Chercheur, associée au laboratoire Eco-anthropologie et ethnobiologie Muséum National Histoire Naturelle, L’enjeu du biologique dans la catégorisation de genre

Françoise Collin, Philosophe, Entre science et politique

12h30-13h Débat général

13h-14h Déjeuner

14h15 : Sciences biologiques. Conceptualisation de l’altérité et catégorisations de sexe

Présidente : Anne Cadoret, Ethnologue

Brigitte Lhomond, Sociologue Chargée de recherche CNRS Triangle ENS Lyon, Féminisme et études féministes : sexe, genre, et quelques questions

Simone Bateman, Sociologue, Directrice de recherche CNRS, Centre de recherche Sens, Éthique, Société  CNRS-Université Paris Descartes, Femmes, frontières et autrui : questions aux sciences du vivant

Marika Moisseeff, Ethnologue et Psychiatre , Chercheur CNRS Laboratoire anthropologie sociale

UMR CNRS-EHESS-Collège de France, Représentations biologiques du féminin et leurs conséquences symboliques

Elsa Dorlin, Philosophe, MCF Université Paris-Panthéon-Sorbonne, Matérialité et historicité du corps

17h30-18h30 : Débat général et conclusions : Ilana Lowy, Historienne des sciences, Directrice de recherche INSERM, CERMES3, Villejuif


Cette journée sera l’occasion de présenter l’ouvrage réunissant une sélection des articles d’Hélène Rouch : Les corps, ces objets encombrants. Contribution à la critique féministe des sciences publié aux Editions iXe avec le soutien du CEDREF (mars 2011).


Comité d’organisation : D. Fougeyrollas-Schwebel, A. Kian, B. Lhomond, O. Bonis, F. Gourdal

Pour inscription et information

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