Parution – The journal of medicine and philosophy
The journal of medicine and philosophy, vol 36, n°3, Juin 2011
Aaron E. Hinkley
Introduction: Embryonic Stem Cell Research, Abortion, Euthanasia, and the Plurality of Moralities in Bioethics
Anna-Karin M. Andersson
Embryonic Stem Cells and Property Rights
H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.
Confronting Moral Pluralism in Posttraditional Western Societies: Bioethics Critically Reassessed
Nathan Nobis
Abortion, Metaphysics and Morality: A Review of Francis Beckwith’s Defending Life: A Moral and Legal Case Against Abortion Choice
Ryan Tonkens
Parental Wisdom, Empirical Blindness, and Normative Evaluation of Prenatal Genetic Enhancement
Daniel S. Goldberg
Eschewing Definitions of the Therapeutic Misconception: A Family Resemblance Analysis
Gary Seay
Euthanasia and Common Sense: A Reply to Garcia
Tags: Philosophie