Appels à contribution

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Appel à contribution – EASA medical anthropology network conference on Medical Pluralism : Techniques, Politics, Institutions


Rome 7 – 10 September 2011

Transnationalisation and Heritage Making :

Towards a New Re-configurations of Therapeutic Resources.

This panel invites discussion on current re-configurations and representations of different medical knowledge and practices, in contexts characterized by transnationalisation and “heritage making” processes. Globalisation, circulation of cultural elements, knowledge, people and medical resources, transit of therapeutic knowledge and practices, lead to a recognition of “local” and processes of “heritage making”. We encourage to debate on introduction of exogenous practices into other societies and their cohabitation with other medical systems; new re-definitions of therapeutic resources arisen by medical pluralism and co-existence of different medical systems; and on processes of “heritage making” stressing the value of therapeutic resources in medical pluralism (considering biomedicine, alternative/complementary and traditional medicines, etc.); although UNESCO in 2003 ratified the Convention on the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, giving particular relevance to preservation of traditional medicine.

Taking into account the relationship among medical pluralism, heritage and transnationalisation, how do exogenous medical practices appear and introduce themselves within other medical landscapes? What happens when they transit from a particular context to another one? How do different therapeutic resources coexist and change within a medical pluralistic context? How are they re-configured and translated into heritage? Which kind of negotiations, re-configurations and re-inventions of therapeutic resources emerge following the before mentioned processes of transnationalisation and “heritage making”? Which kind of power relationships at local, national and international level arise following processes of “heritage making” and circulation of medical knowledge? How do Western and non-Western heritage institutions (archives, libraries, cultural centers and in particular museums) face these problematic topics?

We invite submissions on all these themes and case-studies on current redefinitions and changes of therapeutic resources to improve international debate on heritage, medical pluralism and circulation of medical knowledge and practices.


Dr Lucia Candelise e-mail:

Mariaclaudia Cristofano e-mail:

Dr Anna Lora-Wainwright e-mail:

Elisa Vasconi e-mail:


Appel à contribution – L’exploration du corps dans les arts


L’association de doctorant-e-s lyonnaise Les Têtes Chercheuses ( organise un colloque les 1er, 2 et 3 décembre 2011 à Lyon ayant pour thème « L’exploration du corps dans les arts ».

Rappel : la deadline est fixée au 30 avril et les propositions de communications sont à envoyer à

Télécharger l’appel (pdf)


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Appel à contribution – On Resentment

An Interdisciplinary Workshop on the History of Emotions organised by L’Institut d’Histoire de la Médecine et de la Santé and El Centro de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish Scientific Council)

26, 27, 28th October, University of Geneva

This workshop aims at exploring from an interdisciplinary approach the nature of resentment and its diverse psychological, cultural and social manifestations in order to reveal how this emotion has played a decisive role in history. Contributions are sought from scholars working in the history of emotions, who are interested in exploring the different forms adopted by resentment in individuals, groups and institutions. A selection of papers presented at this workshop will be included in a special publication. Abstracts in English or French for 20-minute papers (maximum 300 words) should be submitted electronically by 30th June 2011 to

You will find the poster for the call for papers on our website:

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Appel à contribution – Sport, Health and the Body in the History of Education

History of Education Society annual conference

25 to 27 November 2011 Glasgow University Union Scotland, United Kingdom

Deadlines for abstracts: 30 June 2011 and 10 September 2011

Recent years have seen a rapid growth of interest in the history of sport, and historians of education have participated fully in this development. A burgeoning historiography of physical education in many cultures and contexts, and broadly defined, has brought new breadth to the history of education. At the same time, historians of education have remained interested in health and the body, and significant work has been carried out at the intersection of the histories of medicine, education and sport. Recent articles in the Society’s journal, History of Education, have considered a range of topics including school medical inspection in the Netherlands, physical education in interwar Scotland, sport in British universities, and gymnastics in nineteenth-century Hungarian schools.

We hope that this conference will attract papers that range widely in geographical and chronological scope, and in their subject matter.
Papers are welcomed on any aspect of the conference theme, interpreted broadly.

To submit a paper for the conference, please send an email attachment in MS-Word format, giving your name and institutional affiliation (if any), together with the title of your paper and a 250-word abstract, to

There are two deadlines for the submission of abstracts. Submissions received by 30 June 2011 will be considered by the end of July, and those received by 10 September 2011 will be considered by the end of the month.


Appel à contribution – Ludovia 2011. Mobilité et Santé : Innovations, Usages, Perspectives


Mercredi 08 juin 2011  |  Ax-les-Thermes (09110)

Dans le cadre du colloque scientifique annuel Ludovia à Ax les Thermes (Ariège – France), la journée du 1er septembre 2011 sera consacrée à un symposium sur la thématique « mobilité et santé ». Un appel à communication spécifique pour la thématique de cette journée est diffusé. Vous pourrez trouver des compléments d’information sur le site de Culture numérique : et sur le site du symposium :

1er septembre 2011,  Ax les Thermes – Ariège (09) – France, dans le cadre du colloque scientifique Ludovia 2011


Soumission des articles: 8 Juin 2011
notification d’acceptation: 15 Juillet 2011
Version finale: 15 Aout 2011

Les avancées récentes dans le domaine des réseaux de capteurs, des communications sans fil, des systèmes d’information, des interfaces homme-machine et dans la prise en compte du contexte trouvent des débouchés naturels dans le champ d’application de la e-santé, comme la télé-médecine, l’aide à l’autonomie, le maintien à domicile du patient ou l’hospitalisation à domicile par exemple.

Cependant, de nombreux verrous technologiques, scientifiques et sociétaux restent encore à lever avant que ces innovations ne puissent être efficacement mises en œuvre au sein du système de santé,  dans l’objectif de contribuer à l’amélioration de la qualité de vie, de la santé et de l’autonomie des personnes. Ces verrous se situent principalement à l’interface entre les spécialités concernées : la médecine, l’informatique, la sociologie, l’économie, l’éthique et le droit doivent être mobilisés pour concevoir les systèmes de e-santé de demain pour qu’ils prennent en compte la mobilité des patients, de l’information, des équipements médicaux et des personnels soignants. Une attention particulière doit également être portée à l’acceptabilité sociale et à l’utilisabilité de ces nouveaux systèmes par les patients et les personnels à qui ils sont destinés.

Pour lever ces verrous, toutefois, il ne suffit pas de juxtaposer des compétences scientifiques et techniques. Des méthodes alternatives sont possibles, telle la conception multidisciplinaire collaborative rassemblant concepteurs et acteurs concernés par le système e-santé. Ces méthodes peuvent permettre de trouver un panel plus large de solutions mieux adaptées et de parvenir à un compromis plus satisfaisant et robuste.

Dans le cadre de la 7ème édition du colloque scientifique de Ludovia, un symposium spécifique est prévu autour de la thématique de la mobilité numérique et de la e-santé. Ce symposium se veut être un lieu d’échanges où les chercheurs de différentes communautés, et notamment les jeunes chercheurs, peuvent présenter les résultats de leurs travaux. C’est aussi l’occasion de confronter des points de vue contradictoires et d’engager de nouvelles collaborations.

Liste non exhaustive des thèmes abordés

Santé en mobilité, mobilité des patients et des soignants
Applications sensibles au contexte pour la santé
Serious games pour la e-santé
Réseaux mobiles pour la santé
Interfaces utilisateurs
Utilisabilité et acceptabilité des systèmes de e-santé
Conception multi-disciplinaire de systèmes ubiquitaires de e-santé
Systèmes ambiants et habitat intelligent pour la santé
Systèmes de Télé-santé
Systèmes d’informations de santé
Systèmes multi-agents pour la santé
Intergiciels pour la santé
Fusion de donnée et élaboration de contexte dans le cadre de la santé
Web sémantique et santé
Soumission des articles

Les auteurs sont invités à soumettre le texte complet de leurs communications en français ou en anglais. Toutes les communications seront examinées par au moins deux experts du domaine sur la base de leur qualité, pertinence et clarté à

avant le 8 juin 2011

Les articles acceptés par le comité de programme seront publiés dans des actes (numéro ISBN) sauf demande expresse des auteurs. Les meilleurs articles pourront faire l’objet d’une publication dans une revue (discussion en cours).

IMPORTANT : Tout papier accepté implique l’inscription et la venue d’au moins un des auteurs. L’inscription à SMS2011 et à Ludovia est gratuite.

Les modalités complètes de soumission sont disponibles sur le site web de la conférence:

Comité Scientifique

Marie-Pierre BES, LISST, ISAE
Marina CASULA, LEREPS, Université Toulouse 1
Emmanuel DUBOIS, IRIT, Université Toulouse 3
Marie-Pierre GLEIZES, IRIT, Université Toulouse 3
Jean Pierre JESSEL, IRIT, Université Toulouse 3
Michel LAVIGNE, LARA, IUT Toulouse 3
Claude VAUTIER, LEREPS, Université Toulouse 1

Michel Lavigne
courriel : colloque [point] ludovia2011 (at) pigpix [point] org


Appel à contribution – Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease

The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, America’s oldest continuously published independent monthly journal in the field, will celebrate its 200th volume in 2012. Editor-in-Chief John A. Talbott, M.D., has announced that the anniversary issue will be dedicated to the history of psychiatry and neurology and has asked that submissions of papers of a historical nature (especially subjects from 1974 to the present) be sent to him online at <>. The deadline for these review articles, which should be between 4,400 and 8,800 words, is December 1.


Appel à projet –  Fondation Internationale de Recherche Appliquée sur le Handicap

Association de préfiguration de la Fondation Internationale de Recherche Appliquée sur le Handicap (FIRAH).

La prise en compte des nouvelles approches, des nouveaux concepts et des changements de terminologies progressistes dans le champ du handicap sera recherchée.
La recherche pourra, si cela s’avère pertinent, préciser les passages des modes de travail classiques à ceux innovants et inclusifs en analysant les questions portant sur les résistances aux changements.

Date de clôture de l’appel à projets : 22 avril 2011

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Appel à contribution – Graduate Conference on the History of the Body


The Graduate History Association and the Department of History at Washington University in St. Louis are pleased to announce the inaugural Graduate Conference on the History of the Body, to be held October 20-21, 2011.

In 2001, Roy Porter remarked that body history had become the « historiographical dish of the day. » Ten years on, histories of the body continue to flourish. Often working at the interstices of a number of methods and approaches, the field has produced innovative and compelling articulations of the body as a category of historical analysis. As thinking about bodies has occasioned ongoing encounters, clashes, and border-crossings between a variety of disciplines, this conference aims to promote conversations across scholarly divides by showcasing and reflecting on graduate-level scholarship on the history of the body, in all periods and regions, and from a variety of methodological approaches. We invite papers related to a broad number of thematic areas, including but not limited to:

*normality and deviancy

*medicine and disease

*sexuality and reproduction


*blood and race

*physical space

We’re also pleased to announce Professor Mary Fissell, renowned historian of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University, as the conference keynote speaker. Professor Fissell’s first book, Patients, Power and the Poor (Cambridge 1991), examined how patients’ choices shaped a health-care system in the eighteenth century. Her more recent Vernacular Bodies (Oxford 2004) explored the politics of reproduction in early modern medicine. Professor Fissell’s current project involves Aristotle’s Masterpiece, for three centuries the best-selling book about sex and reproduction. Her address will be held in conjunction with the Washington University in St. Louis Department of History Colloquium Series.

Graduate Students in any field of study are invited to submit proposals for individual research papers. Abstracts of approximately 250 words should be submitted online: The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2011.


Appel à contribution – Standards and Drug use outside the Pharmacy

Call for papers Deadline : June 15 2011

Conference to be held in Lyon, December 15, 16, 17 2011


What happens to drugs once they are marketed and prescribed? Does the passage of a pharmaceutical product into the public faithfully mirror what was intended or expected by the scientists who conceived it or by the pharmaceutical company that produced and marketed it? The trajectories of these products in the public are difficult to predict, whether at the level of physicians’ prescriptions or of patients’ consumption. The fact that most drugs are consumed (or not) in a context beyond the direct control of the medical profession limits the possibilities for standardising their use and gauging the totality of their effects.

As several historians of biomedicine have argued, the appropriation of drugs by physicians and patients is an important factor in their historical and economic trajectories. This appropriation often challenges the notion of ‘standardization’ as understood by the manufacturer and institutional regulator of the product. The level of consumption may be higher or lower than originally expected. The prescription may differ from the indications suggested by the manufacturer, and in some cases the development of addiction or practices of drug abuse can radically change the consumer’s relationship to the drug. Thus, the destiny of a drug in the public may be quite different from the one envisaged or even imagined by the manufacturer, the scientists and the health authorities. One of the aims of this conference is to discuss ‘unpredictable trajectories’ in the public, whether they be off-label use or the deliberate ‘misuse’ of drugs prescribed for a different patient or use.

In some cases, the trajectory of drugs in the public can reveal failures in the standardization of drugs. Side-effects, in particular dramatic ones including patient deaths, make these failures public. We would like to consider two aspects of this question. The first one concerns the drama itself and what it teaches us about the standardization of drugs (the process, rules, experiments, and expertise, as well as what failed or what was predictable). The second point is about the public attitude to such dramas; how they change the representations of drugs and the behaviour of the consumers. We would also like to consider how such affairs contribute to the emergence of patient associations and movements. Such high-profile affairs also change the relationship between patients, pharmaceutical firms and public health bodies. Thus, we can consider the history of certain drugs in the public as testifying to the failure of standardization.

Finally, pharmaceutical industrialists, patients and public health administrations were aware from the beginning that the fate of drugs in the public was difficult to manage and control. Thus, they aimed to establish rules for the marketing of drugs, including the supervision of prescriptions and compliance with the indications. There have also been initiatives to collect data about drugs effects and indications with the aim of defining the optimal use of the drugs, often with the collaboration of patient associations. Thus, the final issue we would like to raise concerns the standardization of drug alert mechanisms (for example the organization of ‘pharmacovigilance’ in France beginning in the 1970s and traceability of products).

We invite papers on the following themes:

1. “Unpredictable trajectories”: – Studies in drug consumption (quantitative and qualitative data). – Drug misuse, non-use and abuse. – Second lives of drugs: when the public use of drugs changes indications and prescriptions.

2. Drugs in the public: failures of standardization: – Unpredictable side-effects and their consequences. – Public affairs and scandals: changes in the public perception of drugs.

3. The public life of drugs and the limits of control: – The regulation of drugs markets: supervising prescriptions. – Patients as consumers: how to control the use and consumption of drugs? – Traceability of drugs and standardization.

Europeans presenting papers at this conference will have their travel and accommodation provided by the European Science Foundation.

Abstracts of not more than 450 words should be submitted before June 15 2011.

Please send your abstract in ‘rtf’ format to the addresses of the organisers.

Sophie Chauveau; Ulrike Thoms; Jonathan Simon;

Note that papers will be pre-circulated prior to the conference.

Please address any enquiries to the organisers.

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Appel à contribution – Les archives du corps

Mardi 31 mai 2011  |  Cambridge (CB1 2EW, Grande-Bretagne)


An International Workshop to be held at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, 8–9 September 2011

What are the archives of the body? Can the body serve as an archive itself? What sources tell us the most about the body? This workshop, sponsored by the Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris, aims to bring together historians, literary scholars, art historians and archaeologists to explore multiple types of evidence about human bodies in the medieval and early modern periods, in Europe, the New World and the Muslim and Jewish worlds.

The sources examined might include: the archives of hospitals, universities and medical academies; civic, monastic, ecclesiastical and judicial records; iconographic sources, medical treatises and archaeological data.

A keynote paper, ‘The Body in Pain and Tales of Election and Damnation during the French Wars of Religion’, will be presented by Dr Luc Racaut (School of Historical Studies, University of Newcastle).

Possible topics may include:

The holy body
Iconoclasm, corporal mortification
Medicine and diseased bodies
Anatomical knowledge and pathology
Gender, nudity and sexuality
Bodily difference and disability
The body as a commodity
Beauty and the ideal body
Senses, sensitivity and emotions

How to apply ?

Proposals for 20-minute papers are invited from

advanced scholars,
early career researchers and
doctoral students.
Paper abstracts no longer than 300 words, with a brief CV and full contact details, should be emailed to both

Dr Elma Brenner ( and
Dr Elena Taddia (
by 31 May 2011.

The language of the workshop will be English.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission by 15 June 2011.

Comité scientifique :

Elma Brenner – Wellcome Trust Research Fellow,  Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
Elena Taddia – Docteur ès Lettres ENS –Lyon, Trinity College Research Fellow, Dublin
Luc Racaut, School of Historical Studies, University of Newcastle
Laurence Camous, directrice de la Bibliothèque de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris
Jérôme Van Wjiland, conservateur de la  Bibliothèque de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris

Elena Taddia
courriel : elena (at) earlymodernhistory [point] com

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