Appel à contribution – Sport, Health and the Body in the History of Education

Appel à contribution – Sport, Health and the Body in the History of Education

History of Education Society annual conference

25 to 27 November 2011 Glasgow University Union Scotland, United Kingdom

Deadlines for abstracts: 30 June 2011 and 10 September 2011

Recent years have seen a rapid growth of interest in the history of sport, and historians of education have participated fully in this development. A burgeoning historiography of physical education in many cultures and contexts, and broadly defined, has brought new breadth to the history of education. At the same time, historians of education have remained interested in health and the body, and significant work has been carried out at the intersection of the histories of medicine, education and sport. Recent articles in the Society’s journal, History of Education, have considered a range of topics including school medical inspection in the Netherlands, physical education in interwar Scotland, sport in British universities, and gymnastics in nineteenth-century Hungarian schools.

We hope that this conference will attract papers that range widely in geographical and chronological scope, and in their subject matter.
Papers are welcomed on any aspect of the conference theme, interpreted broadly.

To submit a paper for the conference, please send an email attachment in MS-Word format, giving your name and institutional affiliation (if any), together with the title of your paper and a 250-word abstract, to

There are two deadlines for the submission of abstracts. Submissions received by 30 June 2011 will be considered by the end of July, and those received by 10 September 2011 will be considered by the end of the month.
