Corps et folklore(s) : héritages, constructions et performances

Mercredi 30 juin 2010  |  Lima (Pérou)

Third International Symposium of CORPUS


Le troisième symposium international organisé par CORPUS, groupe international pour les études culturelles sur le corps aura lieu à Lima en octobre 2010. Il aura pour thème: « Corps et folklore(s): héritages, constructions et performances ».


CORPUS, International Group for the Cultural Studies of the Body


Escuela Nacional Superior de Folklore JosÉ María Arguedas

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Universidad Particular Ricardo Palma


Founded in 2009 after a series of seminars organised between 2001 and 2008 at the EHESS (Paris) and the Autonomous University of Madrid, CORPUS aims to be an effective participant in the construction of a widely diverse and scientifically based dialogue on the subject of the anthropological aspects of the body. CORPUS aims to offer a forum of cross-thinking and open dialogues about this fascinating object of study.

CORPUS now boasts around two hundred fifty researchers from more than fifty different countries. The themes of the preceding symposia were « The Beautiful and the Ugly: Body Representations » (Lisboa, January 2010) and « Foreign Bodies: Enhancing & Invading the Human Body » (Moscow, May 2010). The third International Symposium of CORPUS is organised with the support of the Escuela Nacional Superior de Folklore José María Arguedas, the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and the Universidad Particular Ricardo Palma. Its theme will be « Bodies & Folklore(s): Legacies, Constructions and Performances ».

Like numerous cultures worldwide, the Peruvian cultures offer a plethora of dances, body techniques, oral literature or costumes, which constitute strong cultural uniqueness. A lot of them can be considered as legacies, because they are the results of a more or less long history. When the people who perform these dances, play these games or wear these clothes or/and when the people who watch them performing these dances, playing these games or wearing these clothes are conscious of their particularity, they become folkloric dances, games, literature or costumes. In certain places, at certain times, they can be rejected, scorned or even combated by elites. In others, they can be highly valorised, considered as an exaltation of the spirit of a people. The transformation of a particular body technique in folklore can be the desire of the Power or a resistance act. The folklorized body can be a more or less agreeable exhibition of the otherness for the subject who watches it and a complex game with his own identity for the subject who performs it. We invite researchers (historians, anthropologists, archaeologists, psychologists, philosophers, physicians, literature, art specialists, etc.) interested in these questions regarding the fascinating connections between body and folklore to participate in this meeting, especially considering one of the following themes:

  • Body techniques & Folklore: dances, games and sports.
  • Artefacts and folkloric transformations of the body: « traditional » clothes, masks, making-up, etc.
  • Bodies & Folkloric music: rhythms, instruments, performances and transgressions.
  • Decontextualization and folklorization of corporal practices or body knowledge.
  • Performing folklore: contexts and motivations.
  • Body representations in folkloric art and literature.
  • Folkloric bodies and ethnic stereotypes.

Presentations will be 20 minutes long and must be delivered in English or in Spanish. The proposals must include an abstract (150-300 words) and a current CV.

The deadline for receiving presentation proposals is June 30th 2010.

Please use the address provided below to send your proposal to Frédéric Duhart and Daniel Diaz. All proposals will be evaluated by an international scientific committee. The working session of the symposium will be held October 22nd-23rd 2010 at the Centro cultural Ccori Wasi de la Universidad Ricardo Palma, Av. Arequipa 5198 – Miraflores. There will be no registration fee. Transportation costs and accommodation will be the sole responsibility of each participant. 


Frédéric Duhart
CORPUS General Coordinator

3rd Symposium Sc. Com.

Coordinator : Paz Gómez Fernández

Daniel Diaz : 3rd Symposium Coordinator

« Corps et folklore(s) : héritages, constructions et performances », Appel à contribution, Calenda, publié le mercredi 07 avril 2010, Publié le mercredi 07 avril 2010 par Karim Hammou

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