Parution – History of psychiatry

Parution – History of psychiatry

History of psychiatry, mars 2011, vol 22, n°1
The mental health sector and the social sciences in post-World War II USA. Part 1: Total war and its aftermath
Andrew Scull

From social pathologies to individual psyches: psychiatry navigating socio-political currents in 20th-century Latvia
Agita Luse

‘Good in all respects’: appearance and dress at Staffordshire County Lunatic Asylum, 1818-54
Rebecca Wynter

Sexuality and psychoanalytic aggrandisement: Freud’s 1908 theory of cultural history
Patricia Cotti

Infanticide in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania: documents from four centuries (1570—1842)
Günther Häßler and Frank Häßler

Vitamins for the soul: John Bowlby’s thesis of maternal deprivation, biomedical metaphors and the deficiency model of disease
Eduardo Duniec and Mical Raz

‘On Periodical Depressions and their Pathogenesis’ by Carl Lange (1886)
Johan Schioldann
