Appel à contribution – Health in the context of slavery and post-emancipation

Appel à contribution – Health in the context of slavery and post-emancipation

We are preparing a special issue of *História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos*on Health in the context of slavery and post-emancipation*.

This is an area that has been built up over the years by specialists and researchers working in the history of slavery and the history of health. In recognition of this, we consider it important to publish the findings of research in this area based on diverse approaches. Studies of the health of slaves and former slaves cover a vast array of topics, such as the spread of diseases; the slave trade and its relationship with mortality and morbidity; medical discourse; the healing arts and welfare in urban districts, slave quarters and plantations; nutrition; medical manuals and slavery; and birth and breast feeding amongst slaves.

*The deadline for the submission of articles is July 2011.*

*História, Ciências, Saúde — Manguinhos* is a quarterly journal produced by Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz <>. It is published in printed and online versions, and can be accessed at SciELO ( and It carries original manuscripts in Portuguese, English and Spanish, which are reviewed by the editorial board and ad hoc referees. It has sections devoted to original articles and essays, research notes, documents of importance for the study of history, images, interviews, debates, and book and film reviews. It is rated A1 in the area of history by Capes/Qualis, the system responsible for evaluating graduate programs and academic journals, and is indexed in Brazilian and foreign databases.

The guidelines for authors can be accessed on the periodical’s webpage.

Original papers should be sent as email attachments to the journal secretary (

Flávio dos Santos Gomes (UFRJ) Kaori Kodama (Fiocruz) Tânia Salgado Pimenta (Fiocruz)

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